Morning everyone.
So day 30 today & that box of chocs from Christmas are still closed
Had one day off for a special meal but the rest have been TS.
Managed a full 3 packs yesterday so most grateful for that (Never thought I would hear my self say that LOL ) & finally plucked up courage to check my measurements & was pleasantly surprised
Hips -3 inches
waist -
11/2 inches
Bust -1
1/2 inches
Thigh -
11/4 inches
Arms sts
Happy about that & also happy that the weight is shifting from the hips at a faster rate than every where else because that is where I carry it more.
This morning I noticed that the outer part of my thighs had that jelly feel & I read on here some where that is usually a sign that the fat was about to shift. Hope so!!
Todays plans are to take dog for a walk while the sun is shining (clouds are building up again :sigh: ). Will pop on & off stepper through out the day & have some food shopping to do.
On a bright note I have managed to sell those Strawberry shakes YAY. They really were difficult to tolerate & now I can look forward to all the other flavour packs I have left. Routine will now be:
I shake
1 porridge
1 shepherds pie
& who knows on a wild day I may just swap them around
On work days I will have a bar instead of the shake as my car smells a bit odd after I have had a shake in it.
Exercise wise-mainly walking & stepper with a little bit of Zumba now & then. Once the weight starts slowing down I will up the exercise.
Hope everyone has a good week xxx