Susie's 2022 campaign

ladyfelsham said:
OK Tracy thanks! I'm going to try SW for a bit, I found a club near work so that makes it easier - think I need the discipline of weighing in properly and all that.

I'm more or less OK otherwise - bad news comes in waves, doesn't it, but you just have to pick yourself up and keep on going!

Hope you are well xxx

I hope SW works out well for you. I bought their pack on-line a while ago, intending to use some of their principles when I'm maintaining, but haven't got around to reading it all yet. I'm good thanks, I reached goal a few weeks back but am still carrying on pretty much as I have been, so still losing a bit. :) xx
Morning ladies

Well it has taken me long enough to get my head back in focus but I'm there now - and decided that calorie counting is the most flexible way to do this thing, so I'm out of the starting blocks today. Another lovely forum member shared some amazing SW information about her approach, but I do like CC and I did well last time - plus there is Tracy the Guru (LOL) and all the rest of you lovely ladies to be inspired by!

Also changed my ticker so it reduces the goal size down to a more achievable mini goal.

Menu -

B - sultana bran, soya milk, tub l/f orange yogurt, tea
S - glowing green smoothie
L - curried pumpkin soup, wholemeal brown roll, salad with red pepper dressing
S - green smoothie
D - chilli con carne and cauli rice

Hope you are all well and I'll look forward to catching up with your news!
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sounds a lovely day susie good on you x x x
Thanks Chezzie xxx

Tried the new soup maker out last night and the results smell good! I made a summer salad green veg soup for lunch today - with fennel (never used before and love the smell), celery, chard, courgette and peas - plus one of those new Knorr herb pots, gosh I love them, they are so much easier than fresh herbs (which I never use and end up throwing out) and better tasting than dried herbs. The curry one is nice too, very spicy.

B - sultana bran, banana yogurt, soya milk, tea
L - summer salad soup and a wholemeal roll
S - glowing green smoothie
D - wild mushroom stroganoff and cauli mash - made the strog last night in the slow cooker and omfg it smells gorgeous :)

Have a good day all xxx
Hello Susie- thanks for your kind words on my diary! You really have been through it by the sounds of it, so it's great that you're back and determined to do better for yourself. Loads of help and advice on this site (but you know that already!) but I shall be subscribing to cheer you on from the sidelines.
Thanks Theria - all cheering gratefully received! :D

I'm going well, 100% on track (well, it is only Day 4 lol) - and loving having soup for lunch. The summer salad one was LUSH, and today's it's wild mushroom stroganoff, which I made as a meal in the slow cooker but decided to turn into soup :). Menus are in MFP if you fancy a look.

The usual sneaky peek on the scales (I know, I shouldn't do it) shows things moving in the right direction. I'm going to make tomorrow my WI, always feel more comfy with that, so if I have a naughty eat on the weekend I have the rest of the week to whoosh it off :D

Hope everyone is well and happy!
Morning all

WI this morning and I've lost 6lbs (since I started on Monday) so am very pleased with that :)

Hope you're all well.
All good here - lazy weekend with absolutely nothing to do but meal plan and cook :) Oh and clean up after my cat who has just brought a (dead) bird in, she didn't kill it because it has no sign of blood on it - the one side of cat ownership that I hate.

B - toast and marmalade plus tea
L - chilli and cauli rice
D - Courgette, broccoli, spinach baked in quark

Have a good day :)
Morning all - hope you had a nice weekend.

Wobbled a bit foodwise, had huge amounts of pasta with chilli pesto, but it doesn't seem to have impacted on the scales.

B - cereal, yogurt, tea
L - broccoli and spinach soup, rice cakes
D - courgette bake and a bit of leftover pasta

Have a good day!
very nice day susie x x x
Jumping for joy here, and can't quite believe the scales (stood on them three times!) but apparently I've lost 9lbs this week! I'm sure some of it must be water, I really must drink more water, but I know some is fat, because my tummy feels different - sort of floppy :)

My food has all been home made meals, lots of veg soups and smoothies, no salt or sugar, no preservatives, quite low carb - which is just the way I want to eat, so I am one happy chick :D

Have a good day, all xxx
Well done hun you are doing fab! Share some of your meals as they sound delish and healthy x

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Thanks hun :D

Menus are pretty simple - here's today -

B - two pieces wholemeal toast, 2 tsp butter, 2 tsp marmalade (day after WI treat :))
L - green smoothie (spinach, romaine lettuce, banana, apple, lemon juice in the blender); and some summer salad soup (spinach, celery, kale, peas, herbs - done in the soup maker)
D - beef and bean casserole (in the slow cooker - love my gadgets! LOL) with cauli mash

I'm trying to get as much green veg into me and the soups are a great way to do it :)
Sounds lush :) I think this week I will try and up my veg!

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Hi all

Had a wobbly weekend after all - with lots of pesto pasta being consumed. I haven't been sleeping well and tiredness always make me crave carbs, funny that.

Anyway, back on schedule today!

B - yog and fruit
L - cauli cheese cuppa soup and rice cakes
D - leftover beef casserole

Have a good day!
nice day susie love

aww i hope your ok love i know while im not sleeping well im eating crap its got to stop :eek:
I'm OK hun, thanks for asking - good days and bad days, you know how it is - but got four lovely days away in Italy and I'm really looking forward to it. Back home to NZ in August for the memorials...

All good here Princess, thank you hun - how are you? :) Just back from my short break - gosh I needed it, there have been so many dramas lately, I didn't realise until I got there how tightly wound up I was - but just one day of village life and I felt myself relaxing - wonderful :)

I did put weight on, and all the walking made me see just how awfully unfit I am - but it has made me more determined than ever to lose weight, so am back on CC today, started my walking programme (did a Leslie Sansone mile this morning), and have ordered Paul McKenna's hypnoband book and CD.

Hope you are all well xxx