Susie's 2022 campaign

psp you always make me smile x x

susie i hope your ok hun i was thinking today about chips i hope she is ok not seen her for ages
Good good :) It's always helpful to have people who have been there and who understand.
I miss Chips too Chezzie, hope she is OK.

I'm off on the vlcd today - had an OK drinkeable porridge for breakfast and a just ok soup now. I won't order any more once they are gone, I can do a million times better using healthy food with all the vits and minerals and none of the 000s of additives and other dubious stuff in them - and so much cheaper than buying them from a company! Will start that next week.

Have a lovely week xxx
Morning ladies

Had a revolting banana shake for breakfast, tasted full of chemicals bleurgh, and am having a bolognese snack pack. Want to eat more during the day and avoid eating too much in the evening, which is my real danger time - I grazed badly on low cal crisps, etc, last night! :eek:

Am sounded by liquid - a litre of water, green tea, my snack pack (which is very runny) - LOL - I forecast many trips to the loo!
Oh dear - sounds a bit grim :( Are you allowed fruit or veggies or anything with your packs? I'm not sure I could cope with a VLCD at all so I'm glad I don't have to do it!

Hope your day improves.
Yes you have an allowance of veg - but I'm not following this vlcd to the letter, and I always think you get so many nutrients from veg that I won't limit them too much :)

The bolognese thing was foul too, had to have a cup of soup to wash the fattiness out of my mouth :(
Oh lovely, that's not good at all. What incentive to carry on is there if you're dreading each meal time because of the taste? :( I sometimes wonder if these people even taste their food before they release it :( xx
No I have realised that it's pretty £££. I've just done a fortnightly shop, including meals for each night, soups or ingredients to make soup, plus a load of other household stuff, for half what a vlcd week would cost.

But hey it works for a lot of people, so good on them - and whatever works, I say do it :)

Waitrose is doing some fab low cal meals - I just had cod with tomatoes and peppers and rice, and it was lovely.
Definitely :) We've been all around the block and back again trying to lose weight so if it works - whatever it is - grab it :)

That is a huge spend though! What a difference! :)
Morning all

A sneaky WI shows I am back to posted, which I'm really pleased about. Going to stay at Monday mornings for WI to hopefully stop me from going mad on the weekend!

Another horrible meal pack this morning - strawberry oatmeal - horribly sweet and impossible to get the lumps out of - think I'll be off this food by tomorrow and back onto real food yaye, so I can start making my own soups/meals that are nutritious, filling and have lumps where I intend them to :D

Lovely sunny day here :)
Oh lovely! Hope the rest of your meals weren't so bad! xx

Well done on the sneaky weigh iin result too ;)
Thanks hun I know I shouldn't do it - but it is so addictive isn't it? All of my focus is on food and eating - and I'm sure the key to success is to not do this - but I feel the need to be vigilant for a bit :)

Working from home tomorrow so looking forward to proper home made soup for lunch, and maybe some Nimble with a dry fried egg for brekkie mmmm :D
hi susie how is it all going
Hi chapettes - all good (apart from an ear infection yuck), been completely off plan for a couple of weeks as I just got utterly fed up with dieting. I realised that I joined Minis four years ago - FOUR years!!! And in that time I have been on one plan or another, and constantly been thinking about food and weight loss, etc - so I decided to have a breather and regain some focus.

Am just about there with the focus, and I've decided to go with SW. I do like CCing but I don't have the discipline required, so hopefully the official weigh ins will help, and a new class has opened up close to work, so cross fingers for a while they won't be too huge and unmanageable. Also just bought a portion control plastic thing to put on my plate, and got a kindle book with rave reviews to help stop overeating.

Hope you are all well xxx
It sounds like it was exactly what you need. It can get plainly *boring* to think about when the last thing you want to is work out what calories are in it, which mayo you can have, if you can have a little treat before you explode et al.

Hopefully after a break and coming back to a new plan/diet will help you have a new enthusiasm.

What about starting a new diary for your new start? a true head clear?
That's a good idea Sparkle - although I guess there's also some benefit to reading back over past mistakes...or not :eek:
Perhaps, though it might make you feel like you're stuck in a rut again? xx
hi susie
how you feeling today love x x