lol i know what you mean, ive only got 2 goals really, my 10.5 pre baby weight and then i want to be 9.12 as when i last did ww this is where i got too and i felt good!I think my hubby might kill me lol. I have already dropped my goal from 10.10 to 10.7 and now 10.0. He now bets I will want to be in the 9s but that is not strictly true. I would happy to be 10.0 but would be lying if I said 9 something would not be amazing! I am not fussed though to be honest. I am going by what my body wants now.
Have a good week
thanks hunni i really hope so!Well done Suz on getting into the 10's.
You will look fab at the christening in April. x
thanks m he's my little angelBack into the 10s is a major milestone so well done you. You will soon get that last bit gone. Your baby is delightful from his pics, you must be very proud.
thanks so much i really hope so!!! want to feel good come summer time!Congratulations on your 1lb and on being so close to your first stone ;o) not long and u will soon be at goal x
Well done Suz!!!!!!!! That is fantastic
Here is to a good week for the both of us this week. We can do this
Well done
Oh thats really well done you will soon get that first stone under your belt