Suz's weight loss diary - struggling this week :(

hey girls, no weight loss for me this week, well not today anyway lol did show a loss yesterday but think having a jaffa cake and bombay mix binge last night hasnt helped matters! ooppss oh well lol

suz x
hope the little one is a bit better, you've had a difficult week so be knid to yourself, bound to have a loss next week
Nevermind hun. Here is to next Friday for both of us :)

Hope Lucas is better!?!
hey girls, well my little man is starting to get better in himself, still has the poo poo's but it doesnt seem to be bothering him so much now thanks to metanium cream - what a godsend!

on the diet front im being good :) just had WW tuna toastie and now im full lol

heres to friday! its THE cristening next sunday (if you remember me saying?) so id like to loose a couple of pounds for that.

suz xx
Glad to see you back in the zone :) How exciting about the'll lose a couple of pounds no doubt ;)

Here's to a good week for you! I have had a bad one....
Hi hon - glad to hear Lucas is on the mend ;o)

WW tuna toastie sounds nice was it in the mag?

Am sure you'll manage to lose for the christening xxx
hey girls, well 1 pound loss for me this week and tbh its a miracle! ive had ANOTHER half hearted week and am surprised that it even says 1 lb down.

really need a kick up the bum and am hoping that after a curry tomorrow night i can be back on track come sunday and sort myself out!

so 10st 9 lbs for me now - coming off very slowly to need to up a gear i think!

suz x
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Congratulations on your loss, Hope little one has picked up.
Have a great weekend and enjoy your curry xx
oh im so fed up! cant seem to have 1 good day at the momment :( just cant seem to get into WW and th lbs are creeping back on like they do! arrgghhh!!

suz x
well after moaning yesterday i managed to have a good day! yay me and this morning i saw 10.09 back on the scales *woop woop* just hope i can carry on til friday xx
Good luck for Friday xx
well im feeling really down :( havent been doing any form of WW for 2 weeks now and feel so unmotivated.

trying to make sure that today i point everything that passes my lips and try to get my act together again as im still a way away from where i want to be and feel comfortable.

im a bridesmaid for my friend 6 weeks this saturday so i have to get my act together for that, have a dress fitting on may 8th so will let you know how that goes - think im half a stone down on what i was when they masured me so i hope it feels mor comfortable on :) x
suz x
Morning hope you have a good day today..
Its difficult when we lose our mojo,keep thinking positive and im sure you will have a fab ww day..x
hey girls, well yesterday was yet again anouther BAD day. ive restarted today and have weighed myself and ive gained 3 lbs!!!

gonna have to work really hard to get back to 10.09.

why is it so easy to gain and so hard to loose - wouldnt be so bad if we all gained and lost at the same rate lol

suz x
Im thinking exactly the same thing Suz!! I reckon one day at a time is the key, well thats what Im doing from today. Hopefully by next week it will have paid off!! Best of luck with you week
Good Luck Suz maybe you needed a gain to get back into the swing of it.
Have a good bank holiday weekend xx
sorry to come back on and dissapoint you girls, im still not on WW, each day i wake up and think todays the day!! but then temptation steps in the way i for somereason i cant find it in myself.

think im putting it off this week as i know im out on a hen night on saturday and that will involve lots of bad food so im going to try and start again from monday.

hope everyone is well xx
Good luck with the restart, enjoy the weekend and then get back into it. You can do it xx
Good luck for next week and have a great Hen night! xxx