Thanks for all the messages ladies, well he seems much brighter today - typical isn't it, should be at nursery but still costs me £15 to keep him off! Was looking forward to a rare day to myself

but he seems better even if he's still really chesty and nose running like a tap.
Foodwise I'm going go have to try really hard, feel like motivation is waining a bit but if I don't nip it in the bud il end up nearly 12 stone again!
B- 2 fruit ryvitas (2) options hot choc (.5) no teabags in lol
t -
oh feel really bad too! Just rang my mums mobile to see if she'll be home later and it sounded like she was at a train station or something, could hear fumbling in the bag and then it went dead, so rang the home phone and my dad answered and told me my mums at a residents funeral! Omg I feel sobad

hope my poor mum wasn't too embarrassed

shall aplologise later, she should have turned it off but she uses it so little she probably forgot it was there x