Suzyflo's food diary....back on the wagon, target reached, now I need to stay there!!

Red day

Hexa: milk

Breakfast: 2 weetabix, melon

Lunch: I'm rather pleased with myself today...have been to a family party and there was a dreaded buffet, lots of naughty things on offer, corned beef pie (which I adore), sausage rolls, quiches etc...but... there was also salad, so for lunch I had cucumber, mixed salad leaves, tomato, beetroot, tiny chicken drumstick (skin removed). I also turned my nose up at the desserts, which were banoffee pie, strawberry cheesecake or chocolate fudge cake... passed on all of those, later in the day I had a miniscule piece of fruit cake (no icing). How good am I? Might not have been so good though if it wasn't weigh day tomorrow! :)

Dinner: roast pork with carrots, cauliflower and green beans, 0% activia yogurt.

Snacks: pear, plum

Syns: fruit cake it was only tiny so I think 3 will easily cover it, scan bran marmalade cake 2.

After 2 good weeks I'm not expecting much from weigh in tomorrow, will find out soon enough!
Got weighed today and STS, better than a gain I know, but would have preferred a loss, must be the wine, chocolate and crisps catching up!!! Imagine how much worse it could have been if I'd have pigged out at the buffet yesterday! :)
Red day

Hexa: milk, cheese

Breakfast: porridge and blueberries, w/m toast and marmalade

Lunch: been out socialising again! Went out for lunch with the girls I used to work with, went for a carvery, meat and veg were ok, I had a yorkshire pudding, 2 x small roast potatoes, about 1 tbsp of mash and some gravy. No sweet.

Dinner: Ham salad, 0% activia

Snacks: none

Syns: marmalade 1, wine 6, small yorkshire pud, roasties, mash & gravy - will allocate the rest - 8 which should cover it.

I'm out again tomorrow night with some current colleagues...eek!!
I made a big pan of superfree veggie soup again today so will be having that every day until it's gone.

Hexa: milk, cheese

Breakfast: sultana bran with blueberries, strawberries and sliced banana

Lunch: veg soup with w/m bread, 0% activia

Dinner: Italian restaurant - 2 slices garlic bread, penne arrabbiata.

Snacks: apple, pear

Syns: Going to allocate all 15 syns to dinner, haven't had any other syns today.
Red day

Hexa: milk, cheese

Breakfast: porridge with sliced banana, strawberries and blueberries

Lunch: super free veggie soup with w/m bread, 0% activia

Dinner: Bacon and mushroom s/w quiche with mixed salad leaves, boiled egg, tomatoes, beetroot, celery and cucumber, 0% activia.

Snacks: 2 x plum, pear, apple

Syns: crisps 5 (I couldn't resist, last bag and it kept calling my name! :D)
Green day

Hexa: milk, cheese

Breakfast: sultana bran with sliced banana, strawberries and blueberries

Lunch: super free veggie soup, w/m bread, 0% activia

Dinner: cheesy chips, 0% activia

Snacks: 2 x plums, pear, apple

Syns: chocolate 3.5
Red day

Hexa: milk

Breakfast: porridge

Lunch: superfree veggie soup (again!), 0% shape yogurt

Dinner: chicken with carrots, cauliflower and green beans

Snacks: 2 x apple, 2 x plum, pear, banana

Syns: 2 x biscuits 4, cadbury's highlights drink 2
Green day

Hexa: milk

Breakfast: apple and sultana bran with banana, blueberries and strawberries.

Lunch: I'll give you three guesses! it in one - super free veggie soup with w/m bread, just for a change!! 0% shape yogurt.

Dinner: Jacket potato with quorn/quark tikka (it was bloody awful & I won't have it again :yuk:) 0% shape yogurt.

Snacks: Pear, apple, 2 x plum.

Syns: 2 biscuits 4
Red day

Hexa: milk

Breakfast: porridge with blueberries

Lunch: super free veggie soup (it's all gone now, until I decide to make more) with w/m bread.

Dinner: s/w bacon and mushroom quiche with mixed salad leaves, tomatoes, cucumber and beetroot. 0% shape yogurt

Snacks: pear, plum, apple

Syns: 2 x biscuits 4.
If by any remote chance anyone is wondering why I've suddenly started eating biscuits, it's because my father-in-law has made some for us, not sure of the type but they are very nice (only small) melt in the mouth ones. Hopefully allowing 2 syns each will be enough, if not, I haven't hardly had any syns lately so I have plenty of spare ones :)
Weigh day today - I got off to a flying start for January but have now stumbled to a halt, for the second week running I have STS - to say I'm disappointed would be an understatement :(
I seem to be on track now to fail the Valentines challenge as I only have 2 weeks to lose 5lbs and the way things are going it's not going to happen - at least I will be consistent though as I also failed the November and December challenges too!! :eek:

I'm going to keep plodding on though and not let it get me down, I'll get back there.....eventually! :D
Today's disappointing weigh-in wasn't all bad - it spurred me on and gave me the motivation to go for a run before dinner tonight - blooming freezing though!!

I have decided to give extra easy a go - I work from an old book, pre E/E, so not really 100% sure of the ins and outs of it but it seems to work for others so I'll give it a bash. It seems the general gist of it is 1/3 superfree food with each meal and 1 hexa and 1 hexb plus syns (hope I've got that right), however, I only decided this after lunch and after I'd had 2 x hexb's so I will be synning one lot of w/m bread.

I would appreciate guidance and tips to keep me on the right track for E/E. If I'm not doing it right, please could someone let me know. :D

Hexa: milk

Breakfast: 2 x w/m toast with marmalade (1 syn), pear

Lunch: tinned tomatoes on 2 x w/m toast (6 syns)

Dinner: gammon steak (all fat removed), new potatoes, mixed salad leaves, cucumber and tomatoes. W/W layered fromage frais - peach (1 syn)

Snacks: scan bran chocolate cake (2 syns)

Syns: marmalade 1, 2 x slices w/m bread from 400g loaf 6, w/w fromage frais 1, scan bran chocolate cake 2. = Total - 10.

Hopefully all of that is ok :)
Hi Suzyflo, it looks ok for an EE. I will try some more EEs too. Its just so much easier to go green for work lunches. Having a big salad with the meals always helps or packing a chilli /
Spaghetti bol with loads of onions, carrots , swede all finely diced goes a long way to the 1/3 .

My diary is " help, I am stuck" and I ask mrs big b for tips, she has been a real inspiration .

We can do this, just stick to the plan.
Thanks Quins...I agree green is easier for work, I often have baked beans on toast or scrambled egg on toast and am struggling to think how to make them extra easy - any ideas?

I've had another e/e day today which I will be posting in a while, I'm totally stuffed and can hardly move, hmm not sure if that's a good thing or not?

I'll have a butchers at your diary and see what tips I can pick up.

You've inspired me to add something to my signature - do you like it? Keep the faith :)
Extra easy day today

Hexa: milk
Hexb: porridge

Breakfast: porridge with blueberries and strawberries

Lunch: lean minced beef chilli with rice, carrots, baby sweetcorn and green beans. W/W layered fromage frais - apricot (0.5 syn)

Dinner: Ham salad: ham, boiled egg, beetroot, mixed salad leaves, celery, carrot, cucumber, tomatoes and mushrooms.

Snacks: pear, apple

Syns: fromage frais 0.5 syn, ran out of coffee at work today so have been drinking tea, I take half a sugar in tea and had 4 cups therefore: sugar 2 syns

Tonight I feel so full I can hardly move, I feel like I've eaten more food today than I have in the whole of last week! I would normally have had a yogurt after dinner but couldn't have fit one in if I'd tried! No room for any more syns either.
Looking good suzyflo. You'll be well into the swing this week. I'm back to a run of green days.I
In the magazines that I have kept, when they went over to EE only, it says that you just follow the planner and that the hex's and syns are built into the recipies. So , I noticed that on mornings when it said have beans on wm toast or omlette mushrooms beans and similar, the breakfast included a bunch of grapes or a grapefruit. I think the fruit is where they make it up to be EE one third friendly.

I will pop in to see how you are doing. It's good having a look round and picking up tips.
Cheers Quins, I'll make sure I have fruit for when I have egg or beans on toast...which I might have tomorrow, cba to cook anything tonight to take so think beans on toast will be the easiest option. I do tend to eat a lot of fruit at work anyway...I have been likened to a fruit bat!!

Looking at your diary you definitely seem to have the hang of it all, it's really frustrating to be so close to goal yet so far away at the same time isn't it?!!

You and your family seem really active, horse riding & rugby, hope your son's leg is well on the mend.

I see what you mean about Mrs Big B, she has some good tips and is an inspiration.

It's nice when people take the time to pop in, please pop by again. Keep up the good work :)

Hexa: milk
Hexb: porridge

Breakfast: porridge with blueberries and strawberries

Lunch: pasta with red onions, mushrooms and tomatoes, shape 0% blackberry yog (0.5)

Dinner: chicken breast with carrots, green beans and cauliflower, aunt bessies yorkshire pud (2.5). w/w layered fruit yog - strawberry (0.5)

Snacks: pear, apple

Haven't had much in the way of syns in the last couple of days so decided to have a glass of wine (6)

Syns: only 2 cups of tea today so sugar = 1, 2 x yogurts 1, yorkshire pud 2.5, wine 6
Total syns = 12.5
I had intended to do E/E all week but as I was tucking into my beans on toast at lunchtime it dawned on me that I'd already had a hexb as I had porridge for, decided to make it green today:

Hexa: milk
Hexb: porridge, w/m bread

Breakfast: porridge with blueberries and strawberries

Lunch: beans on w/m toast, 0% shape yog - cherry

Dinner: egg and s/w chips (done in the actifry - mmmm nice!), w/w layered fruit yog - raspberry (0.5)

Snacks: banana, 2 x apples, 2 x pears

Syns: yog 0.5, wine 6 (left over from yesterday), scanbran chocolate cake 2 = Total syns 8.5