I lost 1lb this week. Mainly due to being ill couldn't go to the gym , and then when i started eating again i still didn't eat enough, and finished off yesterday with a pasta dinner that apparently showed on the scales today! i did however get my 1 and a half stone award.
Thats fab news chuffy!!! I'm currently 1.5lbs behind you..grrr!
I'm being extra good today, Ive been in a really bad mood as my contraceptive implant has kicked in and im in a REALLY bad mood, for no reason at all..and i mean bad, like i want to cry, kick things..ugh and i was SO close to ordering a takeaway
Thanks girls for all the support, I can only keep it up because you're all so fab!
GracieMai I have added you to the list... good luck on hitting your target.
I put on half this week, which I deserved as I was naughty last week but lost a half. Fingers crossed now, if I have a 100% week I can get back onto losing again as I've been messing about for too long!!!
I have put on 0.5 Lbs this week. I had a binge on Sunday and had all my syns in one day. It is my star week though so I'm not too disappointed. I am back on track now though. xx:sigh: