SW countdown to wedding...

Oh :(

A whole galaxy cookie bar ate 119g if pure *****
Bad move

(26/8/13 - 11,11) (11/9/13 - 11,8)
Hi guys

Just thought id pop by and post a pic of my wedding from Saturday.
It's been a tough week for many reasons, a shortened story;
Out of hours gp we'd night with severed cramps
Found out I was pregnant we'd night
Was told I was having ectopic pregnancy we'd night
Called for emergency surgery as if it wasn't EP then I had a twisted ovary
Had emergency key hole thurs night
Left out of hospital 3pm Friday (23 Hours before wedding)
Wedding Saturday
Honey moon cancelled
On positive side I'm still pregnant 5weeks, not ectopic and I have a cyst on my ovary which apparently happens sometimes in early pregnancy to help feel foetus until umbilical cord forms, which was what was giving pain.
So now I'm no longer on slimming world as before wedding lost half a stone with not being able to eat when in hospital and nerves so my dress was a little big lol, so just going to stick to eating healthy :)


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Wow Kerry you've been through the mill :-(

Congratulations on your pregnancy first of all. Sounds like you've had a really harrowing time but are over the worst and also huge wedding congratulations. You look gorgeous in your picture, I love your dress :)

You'll have to keep us updated with how you're getting on xx
Just thought id pop by and say hi
Sw is not goin so great, kinda eating what I want as long as i can keep it down. Sooo sick some mornings can't get out of bed for the feeling of nausea then when I do it's strait to the bathroom to vomit for the next 15 20 mins :( then during the day if I get away with out being sick it is only to be replaced by dry retching all the blinking time. People In my family used to joke about me and when I get pregnant as I have no pain threshold and one little bit if sickness I can't cope with ( I think some call it drama queen syndrome lol) I cant help it. Now it seems all their joking has been like a self fulfilling prophecy lol . Apart from that going to hear my babies heart beat today so I'm so excited, you know it's all worth it when you look down and realise there is a baby growing in your tummy :) xx

Just wanted to pop by and say hi to everyone
Just out of my 12 weeks scan, 12 weeks today.

Also, a double wammy, haven't put any weight on, was so para about this after how far I've come this last year and half lol I know it's the last thing I should be worrying about.

Hope everyone well
Hey :)
Thank you :)
Hope your well love your new little dog, we got one two a black lab
Hey ladies just thought I'd share a snap with you :)
This was Sunday morning lying in bed he/she trying to escape lol

Currently 18weeks 2days


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Wow that's a really funny picture Kerry!

My brothers GF was being induced Wednesday morning but still nothing as of yet. Her names Kerry too :)

Hope you are enjoying pregnancy? X
Ah very good, although I bet she is fed up waiting, she'll not have long to wait hopefully. It's great being an Aunty!
Really strange photo isn't it lol
Hey everyone
Just thought I'd pop by and say hi, I have been reading diaries every day though and your all doing great :)
Giving me the motivation to get back on it when time comes :)
Any hoo baby Stuart below at 21 weeks they wouldn't tell us either way pink or blue lol but I don't mind as I want a nice surprise it was hubby to asked. Got a heft bump now too lol, not just looking like I've a tummy after crimbo haha. Take care one and all xx


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Oops lol upside down


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Oh don't know how to correct that lol, sorry if you've vertigo haha
Hi Kerry!

Life the bump, I can't believe your 21 weeks already!!

Ooooh how exciting you didn't find out so it will be a lovely surprise :) xx
Hi ladies

Hope your all keeping well!

Finished work today (singed off by doc for pelvic arthropathy) for a whole year, omg.

Nearly 30 weeks and on the countdown as I approach the single figure countdown :)
Hi ladies Hope your all keeping well! Finished work today (singed off by doc for pelvic arthropathy) for a whole year, omg. Nearly 30 weeks and on the countdown as I approach the single figure countdown :)

Hi Kerry,

Off for a year! How exiting :) not long to go now. It's really flown by so far :)

The pelvic thing sound painful :-( probably not much you can do?
Hi Kerry, Off for a year! How exiting :) not long to go now. It's really flown by so far :) The pelvic thing sound painful :-( probably not much you can do?

Just read your diary, would love to be going away on a holiday this weekend, need a hol lol.
Some days are worse than others, some days i can't do stairs, or even walk lol and getting up and down is difficult too, night time is the worst wake my self up Turning over :(
Work was up two flights of stairs and the toilets were downstairs, and so was all the files me we needed to do the job so it was really tough

But off now so I can take it easy, 10 weeks will fly ok hopefully!
Been and bought some more baby goodies today, and indulging in my favourite past time ever.... Afternoon naps haha
35 weeks today only 5 left yay


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