SW the Vegan or Vegetarian way....

This is mine and it is berluddy gorgeous and I love the hint of sweet chilli.

I didn't put any herbs in it just the onion powder garlic powder white pepper soya sauce and sweet chilli sauce

I used a knorr veg stock pot the gel ones

I will get roughly 8 pieces
each about 100g so I am going for 3 syns each

I know I only used 250 g of gluten but I wonder why mine only weighed just under 875 g ??


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^^^^ That looks nice. Do you use raw apple, or do you cook it? I'm inspired, quinoa is lovely.

Ok well technically I add it raw to avoid the syns but in reality I let it soften in the almond milk and quinoa mixture first so I suppose its a tweak. I'm not totally cooking it as it stays firm and had a bite to it.

This is is how I made it:

1/2 cup raw quinoa (rinsed really really well)
1 cup of water.
1 cup almond milk
some Splenda to taste (optional)
1tsp cinnamon or to taste.
1 or two chopped apples or pears or a combination.
1 banana

cook the quinoa in the water for about ten mins until absorbed. Stir in the almond milk and the sweetener and cinnamon. I add my apple at this stage and let it soak for about 5 mins over a low heat and top with the banana and another sprinkle of cinnamon. It's like a pudding for breakfast! Whether you class that as cooking the fruit is up to you, you could simply top the quinoa afterwards. I'm going to try raspberries next. :) it's my new favourite food. Yummy. Holland and Barrett have their buy one get one half price offer at the moment and I got two bag bags of quinoa for £7 which is much cheaper than the supermarket.
Thanks. As far as I'm concerned that's raw ;) But I might try doing it with genuinely raw grated apple instead. Thanks for the heads up re H&B, I think they have free delivery atm and it would be worth stocking up on the 1 syn Fry's burgers
I've decided to wind down to veganism by the new year :) my egg consumption is dropping off really dramatically anyway and I could live without cheese or at least try a vegan substitute when needed.

I bought some miso soup sachets today to keep in my locker at work for lunches. Does anyone have this? I have never tried it!
I've decided to wind down to veganism by the new year :) my egg consumption is dropping off really dramatically anyway and I could live without cheese or at least try a vegan substitute when needed. I bought some miso soup sachets today to keep in my locker at work for lunches. Does anyone have this? I have never tried it!

Oh Sam, I tried this for my fast days as they're incredibly low calorie and couldn't hack it. There is very little I can't eat and unfortunately this was one of them!! Let me know how you get on!x
Oh good god, what does it taste like then? Like you there is little I won't eat, celery, marmite, mince pies and fruit cake are about the only things. Clearly I had better take something "else", at least the first time just in case it's like poo (not literally like poo because its soup and...*nope stope talking before this deteriorates*) and I am left with nothing else to eat!!
Better to be safe than sorry!

I like all those things you listed but it just didn't do it got me. Maybe it was the texture, it looked like stuff was floating in it and it reminded me of something that had curdled.

Sorry for putting you off, maybe it's just me and you'll love it!!
Hmm well I just bought little sachets of the paste. I think I'm supposed to add spring onions and maybe tofu if I wanted to make more of a 'meal'? I won't be doing that at work as that's far too much agg. Will it still have floaters or should it be clear. I'll take some tomorrow and report back. I'll have my quinoa porridge for breakfast so I'm set as I'm never hungry after that. I'll also make sure I take something else with me to eat. Some
fruit and maybe something like some veggie chilli in a Tupperware. I made some today with some kidney beans I rehydrated over night last night. That would be ok :) loads of superfree in that baby and I left out the quorn mince so its vegan rather than veggie.
Annoyed now. On the little packets of miso paste it says it contains fish. There is even an article on miso soup in this months VL magazine hence me trying it. They didn't say anywhere that it may not be veggie! It's well hidden, not until you open the box and look at the little sachets does it say "contains fish". Useless now :(
Not on the ingredients on the outside of the box? That's illegal. Take it back and COMPLAIN :(
That's the one. The fish itself is listed as "Bonito" so that gets round the legality I suppose but there is no mention of may contain (or does) fish. Not until you open it and it says on the little sachets themselves. Oh no, wait. It does. In little letters. My bad.

Im still irritated. The article was very misleading. It focused on itsu food chain and until you visit their website even they do two varieties of miso. One with and one without fish. I just think that it should be made more aware by a publication exclusively for veggies, that there are other options as they sell it as being pure soya based.

I'm a lifelong veggie. Started the Slimming World plan at home today and will give Green ago. It seems to be great for veggies from what I can see so far.

Hope I can contribute soon.
I got my vegan kind box. Good haul this month! plus I got my recipe binder :) I have already eaten one snack ;)

also I swapped my fish based miso (doh) for standard miso paste and have had it a couple of times just in hot water bovril style although I may introduce some tofu to it too. Tastes ok. Did as a standby with my lunch. I can see it getting used more in the winter months as I get experimental with my soup flask again.
I ate the chocolate the first day and that was delish and yesterday ate the pickled onion things and the flapjack type thing plus half a packet of those gummy things-whoops!

I am looking forward to trying out this months recipe card

I got my vegan kind box. Good haul this month! plus I got my recipe binder :) I have already eaten one snack ;)

also I swapped my fish based miso (doh) for standard miso paste and have had it a couple of times just in hot water bovril style although I may introduce some tofu to it too. Tastes ok. Did as a standby with my lunch. I can see it getting used more in the winter months as I get experimental with my soup flask again.
I ate the dried fruit snacks. After last months peppers and mangetout I didn't expect much but they were so much nicer. I then proceeded to eat the fruit bar come flap jack which I really really enjoyed. I'm saving the chocolate :) the deodorant smells good. I'm glad were are going into winter as id be more confident testing it's staying power! ;)
I made the slimming world courgette quiche at the weekend and it was lovely :)
Hi, can I join you? I was really happy to find this thread: I'm "almost" vegetarian (can you say that?) and trying to lose weight on SW, almost always on Green. It's difficult to find the right forum, magazine etc, because it's either SW and I keep seeing meaty recipes/ideas, or vegetarian, then it's not SW friendly.
I've read all your posts and like it so much I registered just so I can post...

I have 2 questions:
1. Do you take any supplements? I take iron+vitamin C because I've heard vegetarians can become anaemic. And vitamin D, but it's doctor-prescribed, not related to becoming vegetarian.

2. What do you do about bread, as your HeB? Some of you have bread makers, I seem to remember. Do you bake 100% wholemeal bread? I do, but my family (husband and 10-year-old daughter) much prefer the white and I get tempted if I bake for them...