SW the Vegan or Vegetarian way....

Almond milk is SO low. Kinda surprising really as its nut based. A whole litre for your hex a but that's the unsweetened. I think you get 350ml of the regular one but I would have to check that. My husband has now declared he wants to use that exclusively too. Good thing its £1 a litre at sainsburys at the moment haha. I need to stock up!
Yes, its amazingly low! What does it taste like - would it be ok do you think in tea/over cereal/in porridge etc?
It is a very thin milk the unsweetened one. I don't really have cereal and I have my porridge made up with water.

It is ok in coffee but I didn't like it in milk. I have gone back to lactoftee semi skimmed milk but I only have a splash .

In coffee I have alpro soya cream light which is 1.5 syns for 1 tablespoon but I rarely syn it since I rarely have my hex a and a hex is roughly 120 calories and a tablespoon of the light cream is 29 calories
Yes, its amazingly low! What does it taste like - would it be ok do you think in tea/over cereal/in porridge etc?

I don't use it in drinks, but I love nutmilks on cereal and in porridge! With the regular almond, hazelnut and unsweetened coconut milk I don't need to add any 'sugar' to my porridge but I need a tiny amount if I use the unsweetened almond milk. I find the hazelnut and coconut milks have a bit more flavour than the almond milk - I can definitely taste the coconut but wouldn't say the others particularly taste 'nutty'.
So glad I found this forum!
Im on my 3rd week of slimming world and have been a lacto-vegetarian for 1.5yrs for ethical reasons. I have attempted veganism a good 5times but also given in because I rely on eggs quite a lot, haven't found any vegan yogurts I like or vegan milk which still tastes like cows milk in tea. The idea of dairy farming really repulses me but I cant seem to make the shift once and for all :( any tips?!

Hi, I've just found this thread and am leaping in with both feet to join you all. I hope this hasn't been said already but I found that the Alpro Soya Mild goes down quite well with dairy milk drinkers. I don't know how similar it is but it is meant to taste less 'soya-y' to make up a word.

If that's no good, why not avoid tea for a month or so so your taste buds have a chance to readjust? I have discovered coffee with hazelnut milk and a dash of vanill extract. Yummy is not adequate to describe how nice it is.
I'm actually a bit of a gatecrasher as I'm not a veggie but have veggie tendencies - if I do a Red day it will often be a veggie Red day using Quorn mince/chicken/sausage but in my diary I just say mince or chicken. I can see myself becoming a veggie, which is why I follow this thread, but I'm not sure I could do vegan as I like dairy products too much.
Well I've had my unsweetened almond milk delivered and tried it out in tea and in porridge (had a Hexb to use). I found it a lot creamier than skimmed cows milk but not as sweet. It was fine in tea and made the porridge a lot creamier which I wasn't over keen on. That's not a deal breaker as I'm sure I'll get used to that. It made it more satisfying of my hunger though strangely enough, I didn't crave another bowl as I usually do when I make it with cows milk (I just love porridge) This is a result for me as I find porridge with skimmed milk and sweetener is a trigger food for me - often triggering a binge. But with the almond milk I felt satisfied afterwards. That's it - I'm won over. AND it's only a pound a litre in Tesco - yes, time to stock up!

Now does anyone know what's the difference in taste between longlife and fresh - I tried the fresh today but the longlife is 2 cals more per 200 mls so I'm wondering whether it's creamier. Anyone know?
I've only bought uht so would be interested in the answer to this too!

tonight (after WI) I'm making basic baked tofu from "appetite for reduction" and putting it with an edamame bean stirfry. I'll post pics. I've never had tofu before but I made up the marinade (with a couple of additions like fresh ginger) and it smells uh-maze-zing. Her book is so so good!!!
That tofu recipe is one of my "go-to" recipes - we have it at least once a month! Leftovers (though there rarely are any!) are really good cold in salads or sandwiches.
I'll let you know in approx 20 mins!! :)
The texture varies depending how you cook it - the trick is to press it first (to get rid of excess water), that way it soaks up more marinade. I always freeze mine then defrost it - it is much chewier then, which is how I like it. Poorly cooked tofu is horrid!
I love love tofu but I usually cheat by buying the pre cooked fried triangles or cubes from the Chinese supermarket.

I would be interested in how the recipe turns out and how to make it if it is any good please.

It can be quite slimy or very sponge like cooked well it is amazing cooked badly it is barely edible
I have no idea if it was cooked badly. I know it wasn't cooked well because little one woke up with a nightmare and had to be brought down with the result that the presentation wasn't pretty and it wasn't totally done BUT tasted soooo good. It totally took on the marinade. I used veg stock, soy sauce, balsamic and one cube each of the frozen crushed ginger, chilli and garlic. I pressed the tofu under a heavy book, wrapped in a clean tea towel and thinly sliced it (next time I would slice down rather than through if you know what I mean as it was too fragile) and sat it in the marinade all day. I then baked it in the oven. It needed longer, I know that, but was still good. I chucked it on top of an edamame bean stirfry (sains) done in 1tbsp extra virgin rapeseed oil and some noodles. Immense. I'll be doing it again but I'll hopefully be able to give it longer as the texture was still slightly, not slimy but wet-ish. Not unlike a cheese triangle haha


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Like I said 'scuse the poor presentation. It just got dumped a bit unceremoniously. I'll do better next time!
I love the smoked tofu baked with soy, wholegrain mustard and a touch of honey :) Has anyone tried making their own seitan? I made some the other month, a big batch and froze it I prefer this in stir fries to tofu x
I love tofu - ate a lot in china (not the best place for veggis). I do like the marinaded deep fried packet ones as they have a fab texture

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Oh gosh, yes, seitan. Love it, and was eating and making a fair bit during the week I had my biggest ever loss. This is an example of one the items that SW let us down on. It is not on the syns online page, if you try and work it out using the calculator it works out really high as gluten flour is high. Yet an example of ready made seitan - the granovita mock duck - is free so eventually I decided to risk it and eat a lot. My consultant was worse than useless, she hadn't heard of it, neither had she heard of nutritional yeast. Admittedly, she seemed willing to listen but we don't get the same level of information and support as the omni members get.

Having said that, it is a step forward and good to see that the SW home page now feature vegan options and there are now lots of cheese substitutes as a B choice on the Green plan which is great.
The nutritional yeast is somewhere on the syns list, I'm sure I've seen it, that's not too bad. I phoned then syns hotline and they had never heard of it too and did not have a clue what it was. She said it wouldn't be syn free even though the mock duck is???? I worked it out as 1 syn per 25g made up and cooked using the syn value she gave me. She said send the packaging and they'd work it out but I have still got a lot of the wheat gluten left in the bag so it will have to wait. I phoned them because my consultant hadn't heard of it either, a little miffed you have to phone them which isn't cheap and you can't just email them.
I prefer this to quorn, soy products or tofu and I absolutely loved making it, it was ace to play with lol x