SW with ME/CFS


Gold Member
Hi guys just wanted to start this thread for anyone with ME or similar debilitating illnesses so that we could have a place to chat and maybe swap tips on any simple to make recipes etc.
Anyone welcome :)
My name is Carly I'm 29 (30 this year) I have ME diagnosed when I was 18 and currently in a relapse that has seen me off work (which is usually a phD in particle physics) for nearly two years.
I was doing a vlcd but it was making my ME worse and the SW diet seems to work much better for me health wise so I'm sticking with it :)
Hi Carly!

Great idea to start new thread...Im mel, 36 years old married with two boys and have been with ill with ME.& Fibromyalgia since 2005, I started SW in April and have a rocky few weeks but i am trying to get back on track as following the plan has really helped how i feel. Meal planning is the biggest problem and making sure i eat properly in the day, my M.I.L. makes me plenty of soup when she can, but keeping on track can be hard as we all know, hope we can support each other to keep going and not be hard on oursleves if it takes that bit longer...we will get there!

Mel x:)
myonlysunshine said:
Hi Carly!

Great idea to start new thread...Im mel, 36 years old married with two boys and have been with ill with ME.& Fibromyalgia since 2005, I started SW in April and have a rocky few weeks but i am trying to get back on track as following the plan has really helped how i feel. Meal planning is the biggest problem and making sure i eat properly in the day, my M.I.L. makes me plenty of soup when she can, but keeping on track can be hard as we all know, hope we can support each other to keep going and not be hard on oursleves if it takes that bit longer...we will get there!

Mel x:)

Hi Mel
Yeah I thought it would be nice to support each other as its hard for others to understand sometimes
I started in April too :) was doing ok averaging about a lb a week until I gain 4 last week opps but back on it this week
Oh that's nice of mil :) glad you've got someone to help :)
Yeah I feel better since starting sw but the complete lack of convenience food is a real struggle
Hiya all!
I have endometriosis and rheumatoid arthritis so have had 20 years of chronic pain and dealing with strong prescription painkillers... Makes me wanna comfort eat big time!
I joined this site yesterday and am doing SW at home. Good luck to all of us :wavey:
mumblesmolly said:
Hiya all!
I have endometriosis and rheumatoid arthritis so have had 20 years of chronic pain and dealing with strong prescription painkillers... Makes me wanna comfort eat big time!
I joined this site yesterday and am doing SW at home. Good luck to all of us :wavey:

Sorry to hear that Molly. When did you start SW? Hope it's going well :)
GoForIt said:
Hi there,

I'm 26. I was training to be a lawyer when C.F.S. came along and hit me like a truck a few years back. The good news is I'm doing much better now, so hang on in there, Carly!

I posted in more detail in the SW and illness thread just now: http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world/235911-sw-illness-6.html


Thanks hunny :) yeah just replied in the other thread :) do you think you will come back to sw I find the veg and fruit on EE does actually help my health :)
Thanks Carly :)

I started SW yesterday... But I've done it twice before (attending classes - 2 years ago and 5 years ago) and at various times on and off over the past few years (trying to motivate myself but generally failing).

I let myself eat loads of junk on Sunday, having decided that I'd finally go back on the SW plan the following day. I recently gained 10lbs due to one of my pain meds - Gabapentin (maybe some of you with ME or fibro are on it). It's been seriously getting me down and I've been doing that kinda half-hearted "watching what I eat" which means I don't gain further weight, but I never actually lose any weight like that. I feel kinda relieved to have taken the plunge. But I know that by the weekend when I can't have my usual treats I'll be struggling! :eat:

I've also started going to aqua aerobics (2nd session last night) and I'm really pleased about that. I've lost a lot of strength and muscle tone through the arthritis. I've never been really athletic but I was relatively active and used to be a keen cyclist and a step-aerobics addict. That kind of thing isn't an option at present and so it's been easy for me to slip into doing no exercise at all for the past 18 months or so. At 43 I'm feeling old before my time, so I'm trying to do something about it and stop feeling sorry for myself!
Great that you started this thread Carly xx
Thanks hunny :) yeah just replied in the other thread :) do you think you will come back to sw I find the veg and fruit on EE does actually help my health :)

I'm not sure because I really find that juicing helps my energy levels, but they seem to be quite high in Syns so I don't know what to do for the best! I asked my old SW consultant for advice a few weeks ago and she said she'd get back to me, but I'm still waiting.
mumblesmolly said:
Thanks Carly :)

I started SW yesterday... But I've done it twice before (attending classes - 2 years ago and 5 years ago) and at various times on and off over the past few years (trying to motivate myself but generally failing).

I let myself eat loads of junk on Sunday, having decided that I'd finally go back on the SW plan the following day. I recently gained 10lbs due to one of my pain meds - Gabapentin (maybe some of you with ME or fibro are on it). It's been seriously getting me down and I've been doing that kinda half-hearted "watching what I eat" which means I don't gain further weight, but I never actually lose any weight like that. I feel kinda relieved to have taken the plunge. But I know that by the weekend when I can't have my usual treats I'll be struggling! :eat:

I've also started going to aqua aerobics (2nd session last night) and I'm really pleased about that. I've lost a lot of strength and muscle tone through the arthritis. I've never been really athletic but I was relatively active and used to be a keen cyclist and a step-aerobics addict. That kind of thing isn't an option at present and so it's been easy for me to slip into doing no exercise at all for the past 18 months or so. At 43 I'm feeling old before my time, so I'm trying to do something about it and stop feeling sorry for myself!
Great that you started this thread Carly xx

Hey Molly that's great about the aqua aerobics I love those classes really hope I'll be well enough again one day :)
10lbs isn't so bad Molly that'll be off soon, I put nearly 3 stone in dec-mar :S
GoForIt said:
I'm not sure because I really find that juicing helps my energy levels, but they seem to be quite high in Syns so I don't know what to do for the best! I asked my old SW consultant for advice a few weeks ago and she said she'd get back to me, but I'm still waiting.

Oh really I've not tried juicing, what sort of juices do you have? I assume more fruit than veg as veg would be free wouldn't it?
I think with things like that if its helpful to your health it's worth modifying the plan slightly as long as your losses are still ok :) maybe try it, are there veg based juices you could try?
I'm not sure because I really find that juicing helps my energy levels, but they seem to be quite high in Syns so I don't know what to do for the best! I asked my old SW consultant for advice a few weeks ago and she said she'd get back to me, but I'm still waiting.

Hi all. I have had ME/CFS for coming onto 6 years so hope you don't mind me butting in. :)

This is why I eventually switched from SW to low GI - it worked out easier for me to eat the way that I knew made me feel healthier. (sorry SW people I am not trying to poach just share what worked for me, lol - all of us with M.E. are in the same boat together!) I seem to feel a lot better on it (I can even do small amounts of exercise at the mo) and even when I'm really tired and not in the mood for dieting, as long as I stick to the general low GI principles I don't seem to gain. When I was doing SW I was overly suggestable I guess and wound up using my syns on things that I knew would make me feel rubbish and also eating things with artificial sweeteners which I can't tolerate at all. I definitely was not eating enough things like good fats, and too much fruit or carbs gave me really bad blood sugar swings (which can be worse in some people with ME anyway)

All of that said I'm sure you could manage to do similar within the SW diet plan structure, it was just too difficult for me with my brain fog to work it all out!

Good luck with whatever you decide to do, you sound like you're really ready to take charge so I'm sure you'll do fab. :)

plum x
Oh really I've not tried juicing, what sort of juices do you have? I assume more fruit than veg as veg would be free wouldn't it?
I think with things like that if its helpful to your health it's worth modifying the plan slightly as long as your losses are still ok :) maybe try it, are there veg based juices you could try?

I always combine my juices, fruit & veg, because of the properties of each when in juice form. I never have primarily fruit juice though, because it can have an adverse effect on the blood sugar. Vegetable juice is 1 Syn per 100ml, and although I use more vegetables than fruit, fruits range from 1.5-3 Syns per 100ml, so even a little can make the total Syn level creep up. It is important to include fruit in juices, particularly apples and pears, for their cleansing properties, which is really important with M.E./C.F.S. as the digestive system is usually clogged up due to fatigue, etc. I found the Syn figures in my SW handbook but I'm waiting to find out from the consultant whether these figures are broadly accurate when applying to unlisted fruit and veg, as it only lists a small selection.
GoForIt said:
I always combine my juices, fruit & veg, because of the properties of each when in juice form. I never have primarily fruit juice though, because it can have an adverse effect on the blood sugar. Vegetable juice is 1 Syn per 100ml, and although I use more vegetables than fruit, fruits range from 1.5-3 Syns per 100ml, so even a little can make the total Syn level creep up. It is important to include fruit in juices, particularly apples and pears, for their cleansing properties, which is really important with M.E./C.F.S. as the digestive system is usually clogged up due to fatigue, etc. I found the Syn figures in my SW handbook but I'm waiting to find out from the consultant whether these figures are broadly accurate when applying to unlisted fruit and veg, as it only lists a small selection.

Sorry I know nothing about juicing :)
Oh I thought veg was still free if you juiced it yourself :S
I expect you could check on the website for the values
Sorry I know nothing about juicing :)
Oh I thought veg was still free if you juiced it yourself :S
I expect you could check on the website for the values

I would have expected it to be free before I started SW, too! It's to do with how the body processes it or something... I really recommend juicing for C.F.S./M.E... of course if you do SW too you'd be having the same problem as me! I might have to find a different plan, as I know that juicing is good for my health. It is so hard to believe that half an avocado would cost me around 8 Syns when the fat in one is very good for us, yet you can have a Flake for about the same amount of Syns (from memory, correct me if I'm wrong) which is full of all sorts of bad fats as well as refined sugar. Anyway, that's my little rant over with, sorry!

Do you mind me asking how quickly you've seen a loss, Carly? I applaud you for sticking to the plan as it's so easy to comfort eat when C.F.S. flares! x
Plumfoodie said:
Hi all. I have had ME/CFS for coming onto 6 years so hope you don't mind me butting in. :)

This is why I eventually switched from SW to low GI - it worked out easier for me to eat the way that I knew made me feel healthier. (sorry SW people I am not trying to poach just share what worked for me, lol - all of us with M.E. are in the same boat together!) I seem to feel a lot better on it (I can even do small amounts of exercise at the mo) and even when I'm really tired and not in the mood for dieting, as long as I stick to the general low GI principles I don't seem to gain. When I was doing SW I was overly suggestable I guess and wound up using my syns on things that I knew would make me feel rubbish and also eating things with artificial sweeteners which I can't tolerate at all. I definitely was not eating enough things like good fats, and too much fruit or carbs gave me really bad blood sugar swings (which can be worse in some people with ME anyway)

All of that said I'm sure you could manage to do similar within the SW diet plan structure, it was just too difficult for me with my brain fog to work it all out!

Good luck with whatever you decide to do, you sound like you're really ready to take charge so I'm sure you'll do fab. :)

plum x

Oh no plum welcome the more the merrier :) always interesting to hear of people's experiences with their health and diet :)
We are all indeed in this stupid leaky boat together :)
That's great that you can exercise :) so for the naive amongst us (me) what can you eat on low gi and not on sw and vice versa?
Oh god yeah the brain fog really doesn't help does it!!!
Please stick around always great to have another head in the mix maybe with enough foggy brains we might make 1 normal one lol
GoForIt said:
I would have expected it to be free before I started SW, too! It's to do with how the body processes it or something... I really recommend juicing for C.F.S./M.E... of course if you do SW too you'd be having the same problem as me! I might have to find a different plan, as I know that juicing is good for my health. It is so hard to believe that half an avocado would cost me around 8 Syns when the fat in one is very good for us, yet you can have a Flake for about the same amount of Syns (from memory, correct me if I'm wrong) which is full of all sorts of bad fats as well as refined sugar. Anyway, that's my little rant over with, sorry!

Do you mind me asking how quickly you've seen a loss, Carly? I applaud you for sticking to the plan as it's so easy to comfort eat when C.F.S. flares! x

I really thought my consultant said it was *runs off to investigate*
Oh god yeah avocados are so high, I try and avoid/cut right down on chocs and sweets as I know they disagree with me anyway, same as i'd love to spend all my syns on wine but I know that wouldn't make me well :)
Well I was doing rather well and I'd lost 12.5lbs in 11weeks which for me is a good loss as I always lose slow but then I started to take some new meds and put on 4.5 in the last two weeks but I'm sure that's just water cos I still feel slimmer :) so I'm not too worried :) I've mostly stuck to plan I think out of 13 weeks I only went over syns 3 weeks and it's really helped stop me bingeing as if I really want something I can have a bit, but then I did spend most of 2011 trying to do a vlcd uggghhh just don't! It's awful for your health when you have ME
Oh god yeah I've been so ill the last couple of years and all I want to do is eat cr@p and drink
I really thought my consultant said it was *runs off to investigate*
Oh god yeah avocados are so high, I try and avoid/cut right down on chocs and sweets as I know they disagree with me anyway, same as i'd love to spend all my syns on wine but I know that wouldn't make me well :)
Well I was doing rather well and I'd lost 12.5lbs in 11weeks which for me is a good loss as I always lose slow but then I started to take some new meds and put on 4.5 in the last two weeks but I'm sure that's just water cos I still feel slimmer :) so I'm not too worried :) I've mostly stuck to plan I think out of 13 weeks I only went over syns 3 weeks and it's really helped stop me bingeing as if I really want something I can have a bit, but then I did spend most of 2011 trying to do a vlcd uggghhh just don't! It's awful for your health when you have ME
Oh god yeah I've been so ill the last couple of years and all I want to do is eat cr@p and drink

Well done, that is great! I'm glad that you are seeing results. It gives me hope that I will too! What's a VLCD? Please excuse my ignorance!

Anyway, hope you sleep well.