Hi LCH. Please be careful on this diet and don't make yourself really ill (does anyone know if there are any side-effects or long-term issues with being on this?). During the first two weeks, Saturdays and Sundays were spent almost entirely in bed, I was so tired. Even now, I really don't know where people have all the so-called extra energy from, because I've not got any - but I'm not as tired and lethargic as I was. How much sleep are you getting? How much water do you have on a daily basis? Make sure you're OK but I'm sure all this will pass and, if it is something that will pass quickly, you don't want to ruin your good work up to now and have to start back at square one.
My mate, at work, is supposed to be doing this with me, but he's just finishing a water fast he just drinks water, nothing else) and I let him smell one of the flapjacks and he was equally repulsed. They smell like some kind of protein shake, that bodybuilders use.
With regards to eating, I'm not entirely sure what you can have 'little amounts' of. I know anything with carbs is a no-no (pastas, rices, breads), but someone on here ate a bit of cheese, which didn't seem to do much to their weight. Perhaps a little piece of chicken should be OK - but check it out.