Sweet Pink's Journey from 'Tubby Tummy' to 'Yummy Mummy' & all the bits in between!!

Oh dear I cannot believe its a week since I updated my diary!!! I havent gone AWOL just have forgot to update but thankfully have stayed 100% on plan!!! I have even for the first time ever done a weekly meal plan which is quite a big deal for me as I usually just kept lots of SW friendly food in the house & took it a day at a time :eek:

I have the meal plan (for the whole family) up on the fridge & so far so good. In a strange way I'm enjoying being 'told' what to eat & not having to think about it as much. One thing it has helped is to give me a good variety of breakfasts & lunches rather than reaching for the same thing every morning like I used to do. Hubby & the kids are loving it too though my mum will probably have a laughing fit when she sees it at the weekend as she will probably think its a bit OTT!!!

Anyway I'll let you know whats on the 'menu' for today....

30g All bran golden crunch (HeB) with raspberries and a vanilla mullerlight

Homemade vegetable soup

banana & mullerlight

smoked cod with SW wedges & veg
SF jelly with raspberries & spoonful of 0% total (0.3 syns)

velvet crunch (4)
alpen light (3)
choc mousse (3)
options hot choc made with 250ml semi skimmed (2 + HeA)

I have also cut out diet coke almost completely & am having NAS squash instead which I'm hoping might help my losses. This is a huge thing for me as it has been my biggest guilty pleasure since starting SW & has saw me through many a craving but it has always been in the back of my mind that I needed to cut back on it or better still cut it out :( Anyway I am on day 3 of no diet coke though I think I will allow myself a glass at the weekend with my on plan chinese :p

Exercise wise it has all been good too & I have just week 4 core of kettleworx left to do & that will be week 4 complete!!! the day after aches have all but stopped now so I'm hoping the weightloss might start to catch up a bit now too & I can get past this damn plateau that I seem to have hit.

Anyhow weigh in in the morning so keep your fingers crossed for me that the scales are kind :eek:
Well important things first... I weighed in this morning & had a 0.5lb loss which I was disappointed with at first but my lovely hubby put things in perspective reminding me that I was actually at my 'target dress size' a 12!!! He thinks I'm getting too bogged down with the numbers on the scales & he is probably right. He did make a good point though that I was actually losing weight (albeit slowly) on a plan that I know I can maintain & eating delicious healthy food!! So I am going to carry on as I have been (100% on plan) & keep up the kettleworx as I want to be nice & toned by the summer just as much if not more than wanting the scales to be at target!!

Foodwise today is a bit of a treat day (though still on plan!!) as I weighed in this morning so goes as follows.

2 slices of cinnamon french toast (HeB nimble wm) with raspberries & 0% total greek yoghurt.

Pasta & sauce with peppers & sweetcorn(made with 150ml semi skimmed part HeA)

Banana & clemintine

Shephards Pie

velvet crunch (4)
alpen light (3)
choc mousse (3)
options made with 100ml semi skimmed (2 + part HeA)

Breakfast was absolutely yummy... even the kids were eyeing it up thinking they might like to try that over the weekend!!! :D

Exercise wise I have done KettleWork week 4 core this morning so have completed week 4. I'm using my 7.5kg nearly all of the time now though I did drop down to a 5kg for the side butt elevators which I was still happy enough with as these were such a struggle first time round. I'm looking forward to getting going on week 5 on monday though am glad for a couple of days rest over the weekend as I think I have pulled a wee muscle in my chest. Its not sore, more of a twinge that I think I done doing lawnmowers on wednesday :sigh:

Thats all I can think of for now. I have one of the kids at home with a vomitting bug today & despite considering it might help weightloss earlier in the week I would rather avoid it now!!!!! :eek:

Hope everyone has a great weekend :)
I'm feeling really positive this morning. You know one of those mornings when you get up & your clothes are starting to feel looser!!! :D Anyway that along with flying through week 5 kettleworx resistance this morning with my 7.5kg KB its been a good day so far!!

Foodwise over the weekend I stuck to plan & even managed my weekly chinese takeaway within my syns though I did go slightly over with the mini magnum but will cut back today to make up for it. I usually dont have my full amount of syns every day at the moment anyway but still want to make sure I stay within my weekly limit. I generally dont like using them weekly though I had wondered about using a 10 syns a day limit & having 35 spare syns to use maybe at the weekend if I fancied something different & well naughty!! :eek: I'm almost afraid to try it just incase it results in a gain but then it might shake up my metabolism a bit as I would be cuttin back through the week. Also I did read once that the odd high calorie day actually helped with weightloss & this might be a way of doing it & staying on plan. I know I'm rambling now but would love to hear anyones opinions ??

Ok today foodwise is well.... yummy!!! :p Here goes

Bacon & egg sandwich (HeB)

salmon, spicy cous cous & side salad
Muller light

apple & mullerlight

Spag Bol

velvet crunch (4)
alpen light (3)
options hot choc made with 250ml semi skimmed (2syns + HeA)

So thats both healthy extras accounted for & a total of 9 syns so thats me back on track after that mini magnum made its way into my mouth!!!! lol
Sounds like a fantastic day!
Sounds like a fantastic day!

Thanks Caroline. It has been a nice day. I even had time to sit down with a cup of tea (green of course) without the kids kicking off which was great!!! Even better though I havent had any syns yet so can chill out now & enjoy a few little treats ;)
Good morning everyone :)

Today is my non swinging day & I'm absolutely itching to do some today but am keeping my KB well & truly locked in the cupboard. Unfortunately I'll have to settle for housework to keep me occupied & out of mischief today instead :eek:

Foodwise today the menu looks good though a bit low on fruit as my shopping isnt being delivered until tomorrow though I'm sure I'll survive & my meals still have my 1/3 superfree which is the main thing :) Anyway it goes as follows...

Porridge & frozen berries made me 100ml semi skimmed & 100ml water (Heb + part HeA)

leftover spag bol from last nights tea (it was yum so I'm looking forward to that) with a small side salad

mullerlight (the last one :sigh:)

Gammon, eggs, SW chips & mushrooms

Velvet Crunch (4)
Alpen Light (3)
Options made with 150ml semi skimmed & the rest water (2 syns + part HeA)

So thats a total of 9 syns today (& thats the mini magnum accounted & synned now :rolleyes:)

Drinks for today will have to be NAS squash as I'm out of green tea but will have an extra cup tomorrow to make up for it ;)
Just to update that I stopped at the corner shop on the way back from the school run & grabbed a lovely ripe melon so have just had a quarter of it as my afternoon snack :D

Also found some peppermint tea in the back of my cupboard so have been sipping it instead of my usual green tea with lemon!!! I love peppermint tea & cannot believe that I forgot it was there :D
I treated myself to a little dessert after tea too!!! :eek: 1/3 of a pack of SF jelly with lots of raspberries through it!!! It worked out at 0.5 syns & I actually felt quite naughty having it but at least it was better than the ice cream hubby & the kids were having so at least I avoided temptation & was very thankful I made my little jelly pots up last night :D
Morning all!!!

Well despite feeling under the weather (I think I have a bit of a cold coming on plus I have been up all night with my eldest whose tonsolitis has flared up again :() I have done kettleworx week 5 cardio & what a cardio workout it was. I think I can safely say it was the most sweat I have broke in a long time but thoroughly enjoyable :)

My MASSIVE tesco shop is coming this afternoon so we will be well stocked up on fruit again (though I still have half a melon left in the fridge for my afternoon snack today ;))

Foodwise today is pretty good or at least so the menu says!!! :eek: You know its great not having to look & see whats in the cupboards or having to think about what to have or what you fancy!! I do wish I had done this yonks ago!!!! :rolleyes:

Anyway foodwise here goes....

Porridge with frozen raspberries made with 100ml semin skimmed & 100ml water (HeB + part HeA)

Homemade veg soup & mullerlight


Rainbow Rice with prawns & lots of peppers :D

Velvet Crunch (4)
2 choccy buttons pinched from dd (allow 1)
aplen light (3)
options made with 150ml semi skimmed & 100ml water (2 syns + part HeA)

So there goes. If there are any changes I will update though I'm sure I'll squeeze a pink lady apple in somewhere when they arrive as I've been looking forward to one!!!! Which is a big change to 2 years ago when the last thing I would be looking forward to in the tesco shop was an apple!!! :cool:
Well the tesco shop came & in it was a couple of the new mint & chocolate mullerlights so I couldnt not try one with my afternoon snack :eek: It was soooo nice its taking all my willpower to keep the other one for tomorrow ;)
Eeeek its the day before weigh in & I am sooo hoping the scales are kind to me tomorrow. To be honest though I'm enjoying what I eat & the inches are melting away so I have kind of got into the mindset of so long as I dont gain I'm happy. I do obviously want to get to target weightwise but am very happy to be wearing size 12's which were my original goal clothes size. So in a way I am partly at target already!!!! :D

Anyway today I have a really sore throat which isnt helping & might explain me finding kettleworx more challenging yesterday but hey ho I just have to carry on coz there is soo much to do.... the joys of having 3 young kids :eek:

Foodwise today is one of my favourite dinners of the week... smoked haddock SW chips & veg. I love fish but the price of a nice loin of haddock or cod (I'm not fussy which) is shocking. I coud happily live on seafood though if I could just afford it!!! :rolleyes:

Anyway today goes as follows

30g alpen golden crunch with a vanilla mullerlight & an apple (HeB)

Homemade vegetable soup

2 clemintines & THE mint mullerlight (its still in the fridge amazingly!!!!!:D)

Smoked Haddock, SW chips & veg
SF jelly with raspberries

velvet crunch (4)
alpen light (3)
options made with 250ml semi skimmed (2 syns + HeA)

I know my syns arent that exciting but I do look forward to that little treat time in the evening that keeps me on track... especially last night when I was watching masterchef & all that delicious food :eek:

So breakfast was delicious. If you havent tried the alpen golden crunch I would definitely recommend it. It tastes way too naughty to be a HeB though & is lovely with chopped fruit or berries with a mullerlight poured over the top!!! Not maybe as filliong as porridge though so definitely make sure & have plenty of fruit with it :)

My huge batch of homemade soup is cooking too so this morning has been pretty productive... I have even managed to get a load of washing on too....all before 10am :eek:

Anyway if I get a chance I will update later coz I want to add my recipe for las nights tea which was loved by all of the family :D
Ok as promised here is my recipe for last nights tea of rainbow rice & prawns. Its funny coz when I made the rice in the beginning I hated vegetables & this was my way of getting them into my diet & starting to eat more of them. In the beginning it was very much a case of getting as many coloured veg in there as possible hence the kids calling it rainbow rice. The funny thing was that lately my middle daughters nursery school had a chinese week & one of the dishes they made was 'rainbow rice' :)

Anyway here goes & this I find serves 5

I put 400g brown rice in the rice cooker with a chicken stock cube added

Then I marinate 350g of cooked prawns in 3 tsp honey (1.5 syns), 3 tbsp dark soy sauce, 1/2 tsp chinese 5 spice, 1/2 teaspoon of ginger & around 1 tsp of finely chopped fresh garlic & put that in the fridge for around an hour.

Then I heat my wok to high & beat 2 eggs. When its hot I spray it well with frylite & add half the mixture & let it cook through then I repeat with the remaining egg. I take these out & roll them then slice each up so that they look like wee spirals & set aside.

I respray the wok with frylite & add the finely chopped onion & when it starts to soften I add the rest of the veg & a dash of soy sauce. When the veg is almost cooked I add the prawns & around 3 minutes later I add the cooked rice along with another generous dash of soy sauce & mix well together. Finally I add the egg at the end & mix.

My kids absolutely love it as does hubby so its great having something handy that all the family love. Its the one thing that noone moans about eating their veg (myself included ;))

Anyway I hope thats inspiration for someone to try. Sometimes we do it with chicken & just leave out the ginger.
Ok so normally today is my exercise free day but more & more I have been finding myself craving to do something on those days so I have decided to set myself a little challenge that will hopefully help me shift those stubborn lbs!!!

At the minute I'm not able to get out running due to the short evenings & a severe lack of childcare but I have a cross trainer at home (which normally bores me to tears) so I have decided to put it to use & set myself a 1000km challenge to be completed either on my crosstrainer or out running when the nights are longer. It gives me something to aim for & hopefully seeing the numbers go down will spur me on.

Anyway I have the first 5km done so just another 995km to go ;)
This evening while watching TV I decided to hop onto the crosstrainer again & done another 7km so 12km today in total :D

I suppose part of my thinking behind this challenge is that fact that I need to do something drastic to get past this plateau I have hit. Keep your fingers crossed for me for weigh in tomorrow morning :)
12km is pretty impressive, well done! Good luck with WI!
Well firstly the result of this weeks weight in (its not very often lately that I want to shout it from the rooftops!!!) but I lost 3lbs!!!!!!! The scales are finally catching up!!! So that leaves me just 18lb from target!!!!! :D:D:D

Also this morning (wanting to start this new week off on the best possible footing!!! :eek:) I have done kettleworx core week 5 & another 5km on the crosstrainer!!!! My hubby is beginning to think I am mad but I really really want to get to target by the summer if it is in anyway possible!!!

Anyway food today is all nice & almost feels like a bit of a treat as its just pure comfort food though all on plan!!!

cinnamon french toast with 0% total greek yoghurt & raspberries (HeB)

Pasta & Sauce made with 150ml milk (part HeA) with sweetcorn & peppers

2 clemintines & an apple

Shephards Pie

Velvet crunch (4)
Alpen light (3)
options made with 100ml semi skimmed & topped up with water (2 syns + part HeA)
1/2 kinder bueno (6 syns)

So a naughty 15 syns today but still staying on plan :D
Fantastic loss, well done!
Good morning!!!

Well I had my first off plan meal yesterday since the end of December so I'm hoping that if I do plenty exercise this week that I can counteract any damage. I guess I'll know on Friday!!! :rolleyes:

Anyway, this morning I have done kettleworx week 6 resistance so just cardio & core to go before I finish round 3 & see how many inches I have lost in the past 6 weeks!! I'm quite excited actually as the halfway point was pretty good :)

I'm planning on getting onto the crosstrainer later to do a few more km. I would love to aim for between 10- 15 today but we'll see :eek: I'll update later with the result!!!

Foodwise today goes as follows

Bacon & Egg Sandwich (HeB)

Salmon, spicy cous cous with lots of peppers & small salad

apple & 2 clemintines

Spag Bol

aplen light (3)
choc mousse (3)
options made with 250ml semi skimmed (2 syns + HeA)
Just to update that I was on the crosstrainer this afternoon & done 20km so thats a bit more off my total!!!! Would love to do the same again tomorrow :D