

supersize > superPERFECT!
hiya :) i was wondering if anybody has been swimming, either before/during/after weightloss??

and what kind of swimwear do you wear?
I am due to go on holiday soon, and as much as i would like to loose another stone by then (July), i need to get mentally prepared to walk out in public almost naked...

so what is comfortable? what is not? were to buy from? how should it look? i don't even know the basics on swimwear shopping !!:sigh:
lol 38 people have viewed my question but no reply.

i musn't be the only person who doesn't know the answer to this question then lol

oh well !!
I dont go swimming purley because Im not happy with my body , I wont go until I feel happier with the size of myself , so thats why I didnt comment x
you should wear whatever youre comfortable in! theres no rule to say only size 6's can wear a bikini, so if u wanna wear a bikini you go straight ahead, if you wanna wear a swimsuit you go ahead and do that too. if it was me though i'd wear a swimsuit to protect myself a bit from sunburn as im very fair skinned. swimming is a brilliant aerobic exercise and burns a load of calories and tones u up.

as for ur holiday, u could always wear a pair of shorts on top of ur swimwear, or a sarong to cover any wobbly bits. chances are though that while ur worrying about what u look like, other people will be too busy worrying about themselves to look at u long enough to judge! while ur away, have a look around and see how many people are breathing in or hiding themselves away a bit - its more than likely that everyone is self-conscious so ur not on ur own :)
i dont go swimming here because i'm frightened of feet and stray hairs, however on holiday, i wear a bikini and i frankly dont care! x
thankyou so much :) i know its a wierd thing to ask but all of my friends are size 8 and wouldn't even think about wearing a full suit, so i thought ide ask people who may know what im talking about :)

i think ill stick with the suit and shorts on holiday, its a more scary thought trying them on in dressing rooms!!! i get dressing room rage and before i know it im sweating and getting embarrased in front of myself..how sad i know.

thanks girls :) xxxxx
that is not sad. thats your feelings and your feelings are important
You can get padded swimming costumes which you a little more definition around your boobs, which can totally change the way you look in a costume. I have an underwired one from Evans.

I'm a bit conscious about not bying high leg ones or ones with too low of a back, the more thats covered the better!!

Check out the photos of Nigella Lawson on the beach these week - they are calling her outfit a burkini!! You could always adopt her approach to keeping the sun off!!

Have a great holiday!

dressing room rage :D it exists - ive had it! memories of trying to stuff my fat into a pair of jeans just so i can desperately wrench at the zip cuz i refuse to even try a bigger size lol getting all red and giving up, look in the mirror with my spare tyre and muffin top exposed - ah the joys of shopping
thanks Fuss i will check out the simply be range, those pics look quite nice !!

and thanks girls, i have seen the Nigella Lawson pics!! i don't think i would go that far, but hey if thats the look she wants!! im hoping too loose abit more before the hols, but i think a tankini is great idea, i didn't think they looked that nice!!
