I'm really hating Muller Light - the sweetness makes my tongue fizz and not in a good way! Any other Muller Light haters out there who can suggest an alternative? I like Yeo Valley Fat Free but really wanted something 'Free' and not just low Syn. TIA.
Thanks for the recommendation. Seems like so many on the list I just wanted to find ones which might suit me better and not more Mullerlight-taste yoghurt! Now have Onken in the fridge so will see how I get on with that, and will use the Mullerlight for recipes.
Thanks - thicker works better for me! Have ordered so much yoghurt for this weeks shopping I don't know where I'm going to put it!
Notice that Sainsburys have 'New' 0.1% fat yoghurts - ingredients look safe enough but haven't put them in the Snackulator yet and they're not in Syns Online. Anyone know?