Syns 'n Stuff - My Daily Food Diary

'Allo allo allo!!

Food continued...

Nibbled on grapes in the afternoon, then finally got to make Petes Mexican Sausage and Beans for our tea, was really good, and hubby said he'd much rather have the leftovers for tea tomorrow than the usual fish and chips! I do have a photo, but it's on my phone and I'm on my compewd at the mo, so will have to post later.

So, yes, Mexican Sausage and Beans with rice for tea - I had to sub with a can of chili beans, which is one syn for the whole can, so I think my intake was probably about 1/8 or 1/6 of a syn. I didn't want to pig out, as I had plans to go sign up AT THE GYM tonight - which I did, (HURRAH!!:party0011: MAJOR step for me!!) but I didn't have enough time to get on the machines. Boooooo..

I mentioned my recent blood pressure issues, so that seemed to open a wee can of worms as far as warnings, etc and they actually took my BP there to make sure I was okay to use the machines, etc. (Hint: I am) but then it was closing time so I had to go. Am going back tomorrow though as soon as the kiddoes are in bed. I saw an old work colleague (that I used to love chatting with) there as well, so if I go and have someone to chat with that'll be good too.

Yay! I seriously feel like I've turned over a new leaf, and really want to stick with it this time, and keep getting better. I know I don't know you guys in person, but I feel like I've made a few good friends on here, and your support and friendly words make such a huge difference in keeping me motivated... thank you xoxoxo
Oh wait, I forgot to keep posting my food, I wasn't done yet, hahaha!!

Right where was I? Supper. Yes, 1/6 syn. But did I mention I had a 2nd alpen light bar at work? So that's my full HexB for the day.
Have now just had a Lemon Cheesecake Mullerlight (1 syn), but still need my Hex A again.
Okay, Ryvita and light cow cheese it is... 3 syns for the 2 ryvitas.

Totals so far:

Exercise - walking. Joined a gym. (ha!)
Water - about 1l
Hex A Light cow cheese x 5, Hex B alpen bar x 2
Syns - 7
Well done on joining the gym that's a huge step for us all I think. It's not easy walking through those doors and you did * claps :)

Great food day, might have to try Petes dish x
So proud of you MB! Hope u enjoy it and get the best out of it. Reading ur post brought a tear to my eye because I completely agree we have made some great friends and its good to keep eachother on the up (or down where weights concerned)
You have really been doing great and its so good to hear you so positive. You will continue i know you will cos feeling better about ourselves makes us feel better in general.
Happy Friday. Xxx
Coffee, orange and banana this morning, alpen bar (1/2 HexB) for snack.
Ordered the jacket with tuna and salad for lunch, but didn't consider there might be mayo in already!
What do you think, about a tablespoon in here? (it's really yum)


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Oops and here's the Mexican sausage and beans... Sorry I didn't take a before picture when it was slightly more presentable, har!


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Ended up having to leave work early this afternoon to get my feverish wee boy from nursery... but still managed to munch down a mullerlight when we got home. Then nibbled SW quiche while prepping the kids supper.
Had leftover sausage, beans and rice with some steamed veggies... Another mullerlight for pudding - I love that banana and custard one!
Just snacking on ryvita x 3 and 3 light Babybels while watching the tube...

I did make it to the gym tonight, stayed for about an hour - whoo hoo!
Think I might have something sweet before I do totals tonight... :)
Poor little one. Hope hes ok. Theres so much going round. Well done on goinf in the gym. Did you sweat a bit tonight? Have a lovely weekend. X
Well done on goinf in the gym. Did you sweat a bit tonight? Have a lovely weekend. X

I did, but it wasn't a big heavy duty sweat! I didn't do any actual running, just fast walking on an incline. And then some rowing and weights. I was watching my heart rate on the treadmill monitor and was just trying to keep that up. Will try and go again today if I get the chance.

Morning everyone! I went to bed without totalling so I'm going to do that now. My 'sweet' was a lemon drizzle Alpen bar and then my usual Sleepytime tea.

Exercise - about 45-50 mins at the gym
Water - about 1l
HexA- 3 x Babybels, HexB- 2 x Alpen lights
Syns- hmm, 6? Hang on, lemme go check that...
Righto, so far today I have had:
B; coffee, spaghetti hoops and 3 pieces of bacon with some instant mash, breakfast of champions! (Didn't take a pic cuz it wasn't very pretty) This was actually brunch cuz I'm a lazy bum, and I just mooched around in my jammies for a while this morning. I also had carrot sticks and cantaloupe.
L; have now just had a banana and a mullerlight toffee yoghurt.. that should do me for a while I should think!

Doesn't look like I will make it to the gym today, as hubby leaving for the football shortly!

Need to plan out food for the week, do my grocery order as well as clean the house! Whoo hoo for the weekend!
Soup can be soooo boring, but holy, this one turned out really yum. Chicken noodle with leftover veggies thrown in - a couple stock cubes, onion and garlic, et voila!


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Ummm, love a nice chicken noodle soup! And this sounds very simple!
It was really, really basic, but still tasted great. I forget sometimes that food doesn't always have to be all dolled up to be tasty.

On that note tho, it didn't really fill me up very well. I wandered into the kitchen after putting the kids to bed and pretty much inhaled a whole bunch of granola that the kids and I made (for them, for their breakfast!). :mad:
And this was after a nibbly suppertime too. Had one ryvita (1.5 syns), a tiny taste of a Poptart, and finishing with a meringue (3syns) and a cheesecake mullerlight (1 syn).

Don't know what to do as I don't know how many syns.
There were loads of oats, so can I count it as HexB plus syns?
Will ponder...
Still need to do my grocery order!
Not the end of the world could have been something a lot worse. Id class it as a flexi syn done and forgotten with just keep going with onplan day. Xx
OK, thanks Bubble, will do.

I really wanted to keep nibbling so instead, heated up the last of the Mexican sausage and beans and had them with rice and my HexA of cheese, which filled me right up!
I was going to stay up until midnight and celebrate with a glass of red wine... But I'm beat, soooo I'm saving it for tomorrow - prob best for the syn count too!


Water - 750ml
HexA - cheddar 30g, HexB-oats
Syns; est 15!

G'night all!
Lol! Now youd never have gone to bed a month ago. That wine would have took priority. Well done you! Enjoy it today, but dont go watching you.... hehehe! :D
Ha! Sadly, I think that was often true, Bubble! It was my favourite method of relaxation. I know you'll be keeping an eye on me here and keeping me honest - I'll be honest on here too... No point in posting otherwise!
Just having a late breakfast and will then raid the freezer and cupboards to come up with foodage for the next couple of days - I like running the stock down once in a while, it forces my creativity in the kitchen :)

Anyhoo, pic of brunch, poached egg on spinach and sainsburys beef ravioli...


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Need something sweet already! 1 syn down, 14 to go!


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