Catching up on your diary, and I'm so sorry to hear you've had so many health issues, but I'm DELIGHTED that it's not what you feared! You must be so relieved. This water exercise sounds fab and any chatting up moment is to be cherished at any age!!
I was very interested in the mindful eating notion, and thinking more about how we react when we "wake up" and realise what we have just swallowed. Like you, I merely put my head down and continue, even planning the binges in advance, and buying in stocks, once I'm off.
However, I'm realising that I quit smoking with Allan Carr's book remarkably "easily" (if that can be said without sounding cocky cos it was blooming hard going from 30 a day cold turkey...). I was using a forum too for help and one thing which has stuck in my mind, but I can't remember now whether it was from the forum or the book, and this was to "pity the smoker". So if out and about and you smell someone's cigarette and are tempted, "pity him" rather than envy him. (I do remember someone suggesting we imagine his body and what that cigarette is doing to him as he smokes it... graphic thoughts galore there!). It worked for me as I can distinctly recall looking at someone and thinking just that!
How can we relate this to weight loss? I have tried the "pity her arteries" tactic, when drooling as I watch someone tucking into a cream cake, and I guess it worked as I didn't grab it from her hand and run! Can this sort of mind play work for us when we've had some food that has made us feel over full and almost sick and, rather than simply waiting for that feeling to pass to continue the damage, try to concentrate on what we are actually doing to ourselves physically and mentally? Definitely food for thought there.
Sorry to mind wander on your thread but your posts got me pondering!
Hang in there. Your hubby sounds so supportive x