Tano is back to the bitter end

Right, I'm ready to crack this!!! I'm 10 6 and I don't like it!!! Today is the day I'm back on it 100%. No more pissin around, that's it. I have a week untill i see CD lady again and next time I go, I want to be closer to 10 stne! x
Sheree, you'll be fine. You've done amaze!!!! Had a bbq round the parents and a few bevvies so not on plan, but i stuck to salad and meat!!!! x
Knowing you, you'll surprise yourself and bloody lose more!!! Bet you're soooo excited for Turket aren't ya!!! xxx SO JEL
Hope you're feeling better Tano? X
Yeah so much better lovely. I see my cdc next Sat and don't have enough packs so I'm going to wat healthy today and ss Mon-Sat u til I see her again. Give myself a boost!!! x
Tano said:
Yeah so much better lovely. I see my cdc next Sat and don't have enough packs so I'm going to wat healthy today and ss Mon-Sat u til I see her again. Give myself a boost!!! x

Morning babe. Hope today goes well back on ss xxx
Ladies, I cannot do CD anymore, I'm absoluely done with it. I'm stopping now because I don't want to end up hating the diet as I know it works so well. I just can't keep half heartedly do it. I've spoken to my cdc and she agrees, saying she knows exactly what I mean. I'm probably not going to start a new diary as I've been on every bloody page going....how embarrassing hahahaha. SW, WW, Healthy eating, Cambridge, the lot. People will think, oh no, not her back again hahahaha!!! I am however, going to go to Weight watchers on Thursday and rejoin as I need some form of structure!!! I want to monitor my weight as well. My aim is to eat within my points during the week and then use weeklies if I need them at weekends. I don't want to leave minis, do you think I should start a new food diary? Love speaking with you all xxx
Tano said:
Ladies, I cannot do CD anymore, I'm absoluely done with it. I'm stopping now because I don't want to end up hating the diet as I know it works so well. I just can't keep half heartedly do it. I've spoken to my cdc and she agrees, saying she knows exactly what I mean. I'm probably not going to start a new diary as I've been on every bloody page going....how embarrassing hahahaha. SW, WW, Healthy eating, Cambridge, the lot. People will think, oh no, not her back again hahahaha!!! I am however, going to go to Weight watchers on Thursday and rejoin as I need some form of structure!!! I want to monitor my weight as well. My aim is to eat within my points during the week and then use weeklies if I need them at weekends. I don't want to leave minis, do you think I should start a new food diary? Love speaking with you all xxx

I think youve done the right thing. Cd is an all or nothing diet. It doesn't allow for half efforts on ss. But you could consider following the higher plans. However ww will at least allow you the treats etc. either way do not leave us. Just ask for your diary to be moved. Well all still follow and support you xxx what is your bmi now? X
I think you've made a good decision too! Please keep a diary though so we can see how you're getting on :D