Tano is back to the bitter end

Tano said:
Ladies, I cannot do CD anymore, I'm absoluely done with it. I'm stopping now because I don't want to end up hating the diet as I know it works so well. I just can't keep half heartedly do it. I've spoken to my cdc and she agrees, saying she knows exactly what I mean. I'm probably not going to start a new diary as I've been on every bloody page going....how embarrassing hahahaha. SW, WW, Healthy eating, Cambridge, the lot. People will think, oh no, not her back again hahahaha!!! I am however, going to go to Weight watchers on Thursday and rejoin as I need some form of structure!!! I want to monitor my weight as well. My aim is to eat within my points during the week and then use weeklies if I need them at weekends. I don't want to leave minis, do you think I should start a new food diary? Love speaking with you all xxx

Best of luck with your ww journey
Yeah good. Had a naughty day yesterday with my hangover but hopefully it won't be too bad hahaha x