Tano is back to the bitter end

WI isn't until next Sat. Stayed on track again today. Had a vanilla shake, a choc orange bar, followed by tuna and sring onions in balsamic vinegar with some natural yogurt afterwards. Added a smidge of honey to the yogurt. Weighed this morning and it said I was a pound down. I'm REALLY hoping for a 1lb loss on Sat. Not going swimming tonight, can't be arsed!!!
umm your food always sounds sooo nice!
Choc shake for breakfast, toffee bar for lunch, chicken wrapped in bacon with salad n balsamic vinegar and a strawberry shake :)
Tano said:
Choc shake for breakfast, toffee bar for lunch, chicken wrapped in bacon with salad n balsamic vinegar and a strawberry shake :)

Yummy x you back at work now? X
ummm im so jealous. How did you cook your chicken out of interest?
Its not long till Saturday... woopwoop im excited for you x
yh back at work now!!! Mental time of year for coursework/exams etc. I just wrap the bacon around the chicken and oven cook it for half an hour.
STRUGGLING so much! I'm feeling so hungry and deprived!!! Had a couple of pieces of fruit today and a mushroom omelette with a bit of cheese for dinner. i'm craving sweets and yogurt!!!! HELP
I'm definitely moving up to the 1000 plan from sat. Starting to introduce foods again slowly. Kind of doing 810/1000 now. Haven't had any carbs yet tho. I can't do this for much longer. Don't even want bad food, just normal bloody food. I wont give up, I'm just having a s****y day :(
Tano said:
I'm definitely moving up to the 1000 plan from sat. Starting to introduce foods again slowly. Kind of doing 810/1000 now. Haven't had any carbs yet tho. I can't do this for much longer. Don't even want bad food, just normal bloody food. I wont give up, I'm just having a s****y day :(

Hugs. Stay with us babe xxx you're doing so well and so close to target xxx
Thanks girls. Haven't had anything else to eat and I know i'll feel better tomoz for not doing so. It will be my first cake day at work tomoz so I just had to go out and buy cakes GRRRRRR! Bought myself some fat free natural yogurt to have at break instead so I dont feel left out. I've got pork chops tomoz night too because someone at work mentioned them and now I'm craving them hahahaha!!!! Going to have them with the fat removed :)
WELL DONE for not caving! Very proud.
Yoguart tomorrow yaaaay so you dont need it tonight!

Your so so close. Just think youve only got to get through tomorrow then its weigh in on sat!
Weigh in has been moved to Thurs now!!!!! Have enough packs to see me through. 1000 plan tomoz xxx
Going round to friends for dinner tomoz. Not sure what we're having yet, could even be a takeaway, but I'll cd all day and then have whatever for dinner. Not been on plan today, too many cravings i've had to get out of my system, so had chocolate and crisps. Had cd breakfast and lunch, but then had naughty stuff. I'm not feeling too bad about it, but I am DEFINITELY wanting to get back on track.
Tano said:
Going round to friends for dinner tomoz. Not sure what we're having yet, could even be a takeaway, but I'll cd all day and then have whatever for dinner. Not been on plan today, too many cravings i've had to get out of my system, so had chocolate and crisps. Had cd breakfast and lunch, but then had naughty stuff. I'm not feeling too bad about it, but I am DEFINITELY wanting to get back on track.

Hey at least you're having cd for breakfast and lunch better than what could be xxx
Welcome to the 1000 plan whoo whoop!!! Had a sneaky weigh after my naughties yesterday and it flitted between 9st 13 and 10 st so I'm saying i'm 2lbs up!!! Had a tea and natural yogurt with a dash of honey. Lunch will be a shake/soup and I'm eating at a friends tonight so who knows??? Feeling determined. Looking forward to my Weds Thurs WI :)
Tano said:
Welcome to the 1000 plan whoo whoop!!! Had a sneaky weigh after my naughties yesterday and it flitted between 9st 13 and 10 st so I'm saying i'm 2lbs up!!! Had a tea and natural yogurt with a dash of honey. Lunch will be a shake/soup and I'm eating at a friends tonight so who knows??? Feeling determined. Looking forward to my Weds Thurs WI :)

:) good to see you back focused hun x
:) I can do this and get to 9st 7lbs!!!!!! Aiming for a sts Thurs, I'll be happy with that :)
Tano said:
:) I can do this and get to 9st 7lbs!!!!!! Aiming for a sts Thurs, I'll be happy with that :)

You'll do that hun you know you will x enjoy your night tonight x