I've been a bit rubbish with talking on here, but this week I have done a few things different! For one, I had no treat days! I usually have a weekend takeaway, but after last weeks gain I needed to step up the mark! So I have been 100% focused. That included dodging a buffet at work yesterday (although I did fill up my lunchbox and eat it after weigh in but tuesday nights don't count haha!) and i went on a Brownie trip (I'm a snowy Owl) which was for the 100th anniversary of the Brownies, and it was full of cake, biscuits, sweets etc! Dodged it all, and did some body magic with my girls doing Zumba and roly polys and allsorts of activities with them! Such a good day, I took my mini quiches I had made (Me?Cooking?) and had my home made syn free lasagne when I got home (ME COOKING???) so I deserved my 3 stone award this week! Shame I couldn't get SOTW because of my tiny gain last week! xx