Tanyalina's getting Leaner- SW Diary xxx

Hi, here to subscribe. Just read your diary you are doing so well. You are so positive and determined also. Congrats on you nomination and your loss this week. Xx

Thank you babes. Here to listen to your journey too :)
I wore a size 14 dress out tonight- fitted little black dress with a peplum on it! Felt a million dollars. Mum kept trying to convince me boys were staring but I'm not used to that attention so was in denial until I saw two myself stare at my ass haha!

Wit woo check you out missy, hope that gave you a confidence boost :)
Wit woo check you out missy, hope that gave you a confidence boost :)

Yeah it did! Until mum n sis said to me this morning, 'listen don't go much further with your weight loss your slimmer than you've ever been and thin is ugly'
Why can't they just be supportive?
Plus I'm hardly slim, I'm in mainly 16 bottoms, 12 tops and 14 dresses. I want to continue!
Do what is right for you hun, i was always a curvy 10/12 and ended up a curvy 12/14 which for me just gives me lumps and bumps in the wrong places and so i am trying to get back down to a 10/12 again, i personally still want to be curvy but just comfortable in my own skin x

If you would feel more comfortable smaller then you should carry on as you are the one who has to live your life =)
Do what is right for you hun, i was always a curvy 10/12 and ended up a curvy 12/14 which for me just gives me lumps and bumps in the wrong places and so i am trying to get back down to a 10/12 again, i personally still want to be curvy but just comfortable in my own skin x If you would feel more comfortable smaller then you should carry on as you are the one who has to live your life =)

I am the smallest I've been since school, but still not a healthy weight so I do want to continue until I feel happy. I want to get to 12 stone 7lbs and see how I feel from there. I honestly just think they don't want me looking better than them as I've always been the biggest and now I'm not at all xx
I am the smallest I've been since school, but still not a healthy weight so I do want to continue until I feel happy. I want to get to 12 stone 7lbs and see how I feel from there. I honestly just think they don't want me looking better than them as I've always been the biggest and now I'm not at all xx

Well that is not supportive at all, they should want you to feel great and be whatever size you want to be to feel that way x

Well done you for carrying on for you =)

Are you having a nice day? x
Congratulations hun. Looking lovely love the crown! I also won at my group too its such a nice feeling knowing you are inspiring other people on their journey :)
Hey! How are things going?
HEY =]

I got my 4 stone award tonight :) howre things with you:)

Wow well done!! I've been crap for ages and am only now thinking of getting back on it hence looking for inspiration again on the diaries.