Day 13
I feel so much better today, I hate those really intense times when you feel like rebelling and having something to eat. I dont know what the triggers were, I know I had a headache, so that made me feel a bit rubbish, but not sure about the hunger. Was it real hunger or emotional hunger? Either way, I didn't cave, I would have normally gone to the shop and brought myself some chocolate covered peanuts and eaten a whole big bag to myself, but I didn't so hurrah for me!!!
Having moments like that are important through, because it reminds me that I can get through them, that they pass (I don't feel anywhere near as bad today) and secondly that when I am back to eating I can use the same self control as I did last night to avoid the peanuts!
This morning I have had my Open University tutorial and it was quite good, helped me understand some of the stuff I have been reading and put me in a better place for getting that essay done. Monday weigh in is getting closer, so I am hoping for a good loss for week 2.
Hope you are all having a good day xxx