girls and boys!
thank you for the congrats! surprising how the declaration of commitment just pushes the relationship a bit deeper, didn't realise, thought we were well bonded as it was!
the madness continues here, one of the westies is back, the lady that took here just couldn't ride out the getting to know you phase of her dog and the new dog.
trouble is, she is getting far too comfy here, and she is such a wee sweetie, i can see her ending up staying if we don't rehome her very soon!
and yesterday a large black lab arrived, just for his holidays while his folks are away.
given myself a large kick up the bum WOE wise, counting yesterday as day one all over again. there is nothing naughty in the house (well, alcohol excepted) so no escuses, here i go again!
got a wedding dress to get into now!!!! probs needed a good reason, and there is no better