tazbabe's show and tell

Morning Marty...what a week ahead!! Hugs xx
Morning Guys, interview Steve?
Hope the week is going well - look after yourselves and good luck steve!

well, that's us back from hull, stu is laid to rest. sigh.

work for 2 days now. steve has his interview today ( its for the job he is doing jim, but as a permanent job, rather than a sub contractor) he is really nervous, fingers crossed!

then we have the wedding friday.

a funeral is a bad place for an atkinser...i ate a couple of sandwiches, oh my did i have the windypops afterwards!!

ooh, friday we chose my engagement ring, it had to be resized, steve is going to pick it up tomorrow :)
Morning Marty... Blimey what a week!!! Hugs!

We need a pic of the ring!! How romantic!

Take care you two and hope Steve flies through the interview !! I'm sure he will xxx
Morning Guys, R.I.P Stu and hope the interview goes well Steve.
Thanks for the good lucks etc. To say I am nervous is an understatement, interviews aren't my strong point unfortunately. This is a competence based interview, never had one before...:(
Have you got examples to demo your fantastic ability in all the areas of competence? As you've done the job as a sub you will probably have loads of examples !!!

Wishing you lots of luck Steve! Xx
Morning:). Hope it all went well!
Morning Guys, so how did it go Steve?
goodness, that was one busy week!
steve will hear next week how his interview went.
our friend is laid to rest.
we are now officially engaged now i am wearing steve's ring
our friends are married.(now that was one great day)

not a good week diet wise!
however, bbq weather has arrived, the best kind of menu for atkins!
how amazing to have such sunshine so early in the year after the terrible wet winter we have had, it certainly is a tonic.
we have started in the garden, the ponies rugs are off, summer here we come!

hope everyone is well xx

starting work tonights for 5 nights, be dipping in as time allows.
Oh lots of luck guys!! Nervous times waiting for Steve's decision!!! But how romantic that you're wearing his ring now... Ahhh I love a good romance!! Xxx
Morning Guys, yes the nice weather is here with us, for a spell anyway :)
Morning both:). Hope all well up north!
hello again...... well, how can life be this tenuous? those of you who are on my facebook may have seen already... another of our friends has died. hard to believe! our friend steve has been battling cancer for the last year, had been doing well, but succumbed yesterday morning.