Deffo agree. I went through 3 or 4 weeks where I lost nothing (November? can't remember) but I had a dress which started out too small for me, which I kept trying on and which kept getting closer and closer to my size until it then fitted, despite losing nothing! Most weird thing.
Remember the Emma Kennedy book I mentioned, about her memoirs about camping? I'm still trying to declutter, so if you don't have it (and would like it) PM me your addy and I'll send it.
what another miserable day out there, i got up(did a nightshift last night) to make a coffee and have ended up back in bed with it, now how did that happen?
got a nice weekend planned, bit of a tidy around the house this afternoon, off to visit friends tonight, tomorrow offroading mud play then a jamming session in the evening (listening, my friends will be joining in)