Day 69
Had a busy day with work but popped out at lunchtime to drop my ring in at the jewellers. Yesterday I noticed I had lost a diamond out of my favourite ruby and diamond ring. Arghhhh! The ring is about 10 years old the girl asked how much it was worth but I didnt have a clue, so she valued it for me at £500. Happy with that not that I would ever sell it I would pass it on obviously. My grandma did that with me she wore the most beautifujl sapphire and diamond ring, its huge so I cant really wear it, that and I have fat fingers lol. Anyway I couldnt even begin to imagine how much that one is worth. Maybe I shoudl get it valued and make sure the insurance is sufficient for it if I did wear it and god forbid lost it.
No big announcements when it comes to the packs, I bore myself sometimes lol. They all went down easy enough as ususal.
My daughter has had the vet out today her horsr is poorly bless, she has to be on box rest for a while. Luckily she caught the infection quickly, my daughter is so smart when it comes to animals, its a pity she doesnt work with animals really.
Had an eveing of pampering, hair coloured...check, defuzzed.....check, fake tanned....check. Just need to pack for my night away tomorrow and away we go. Excited but nervous as I know I will see the special one. Wish me luck!?! Magic underwear at the ready lol. Actually no dont, I dont need it I know it will go well and he will be lovely to me and join me for a coffee and a chat once he sees me.
Here's hoping you have all had a good day and for those who have struggled I think you are fabulicious either way xxxx