Hey my lovelies, I catn even work out what day I am on now! Guess thats with everything that has happened!
Well today didnt get any better, got a text early this morning from a close friend telling me her dog had been killed in a freak accident, she is like us a total animal lover! She was beside herself, the situation couldnt be any worse for her, her partner was involved in the accident and to top it off she was in somerset. (we live in the midlands) so I offered to go and pick her and the dog up to bring them home to do what needed doing! It was a diffcult journey as you can imagine, I am all over the place and she is too now but tried to keep her mind off what had happened.
Seriously can things get any worse this week!
Had a call from the cremation place Dani and I can collect Barron tomorrow, always knew he would end up in her bedroom at some time. (sorry thats me trying to keep my spirits up and Dani's!! it made her smile when I said it to her, bless)
Just want this week to disappear!
Food wise, no issues although the 3 easter eggs and the 2 chocolate bunnies look rather tempting lol
Hope you have all had a good day. Thanks again for the amazing support nd kind words, you are all fantastic xx