Tough But Sexy X
Never heard the car bonnet expression before, but I know what you mean.
I know exactly what you mean about feeling empty inside. I LOVE
that feeling and also I can always smell when I've been eating the wrong foods. Full ketosis seems to stop body odour for me, not something that people often mention on here.
Can't say it applies to me at the moment. LLC says I shouldn't be thinking about my weight at the moment as need nourishment -
well that's like putting me under Starter's Orders! Have to be very careful not to overdo it because OH and me keep wanting to give me treats when I feel well enough -going out to eat tonight!
Luckily alcohol makes me sick at the moment and is not recommended- phew!
4lbs off already - you'll be on track for that Bank Holiday challenge.
Yes, lots of new people just starting out - you're one of the people inspiring them to know they can do it too. Well done.
Lovely positive attitude Lady T. xx
Aw SB I love your posts, honestly I do.
Mmm never noticed the body odour thing before lol I defo agree with your LLC about giving your body nourishment especially during your treatment. Aw your OH is just looking out for you because he just wants to care for you and loves you
Thank you for saying I help inspire people, not sure I am feeling that at the moment, but give it a few days and I will for sure
Have a lovely evening xxx