Team 1 - **leahs lightweights** offical thread.

Hi guys

Well done Lots to lose. I had a really dissapointing week this week. I gained 1lb after doing the 1000 cals.

I am not sure whether this is my body getting used to the extra food or a mis-calc on my behalf. Will ask CDC on friday.
Hope ur doing well Susan.
Made up for last week!

3lbs off for me this week.

hope everyone is doing well.:D
Hi every1 Im so sorry Ive not been around, but it seems as not many of you have been here??

Who do we still have in the team??

Could you sign in just to say you still in the team and then we can prob get a full team up and running again.xx
Glad to see you back Susan

Hope you are better.

I am still here!
Hi Susan

Hope you are feeling better - Hi Mooee too and well done on your loss this week - are you still on the 1000 plan?

I lost 1 3/4lbs this week.
CDC thinks my body and metabolism is really slowing down as think I have done about 16 ish weeks on SS (minus 1 week for AAMW on holiday) so has advised me to go up to 810 from last night. Bit worried/nervous about this, but she has given me such great advise all along, and I guess she could be right, and it's nice to have some proper food to eat, and to test my limits aswell. Last night I had the cottage cheese (l.f one) with sliced mushroom and a few lettuce leaves as got in very late after W.I. but today I'm starting to plan a bit more for the week ahead and trying to vary and enjoy what I'm going to have. I'd be really grateful for any suggestions, as I guess this is when I could really do with a bit of team support, especially from those who have started to go up the plans.

I've bought in some tuna in spring water, chicken breasts, more cottage cheese, letture/salad, broccoli/cauliflower - my other half has lots of spices etc, and lemon. Tonight I'm thinking of having chicken breast with lemon and basil wrapped in foil and baked with the 3tbsp (i think its 3 - my book is around) of salad - but the rest of the week I really need to plan. Saturday I am thinking of treating me and fiance to a Tuna steak -yumm! I've heard they can be quite expensive, but we can't get out that often with little'un so it would be nice - just got to work out what to cook it with for both of us!

Anyway sorry this post has gotten so long!

1/4lb off of 4 stone, so I'm really hoping CDC is right, as I really don't want to put on next week at W.I.!
oh - ps I am still here - and not going anywhere - I'm in this to the end and then on to maintenance, if im allowed to stay?xx
I am still here! I stayed the same last week (tom) and was stressed and forgot to let group know. Not seen many of you in last week record weights so guess it just slipped my mind too. I am hoping WI on friday will be loads (like 2 stone!!!!- yeah right!)
Hi Alexmummy

Its a bit daunting thinking about food again, I am having between 900 - 1100 cals a day. I dont weight myself now as I find I can vary by as much as 4lb in a day. I did lose the plot a little for a few days, but then got sorted again, but it is nice being able to go for lunch and eat something. It amazing how much more I enjoy salad.

I accept that some weeks you can stay the same, but not putting any on is my main lose another stone would be good!
Hi Mooee thanks for your post - it's much appreciated :)
Well - I've done my first 'proper' 810 week, and typically it's also the start of TOTM also so I lost 1 3/4lbs this week - which isn't great, but isn't awful either, and finally takes me past the 4 stone mark, and also into the 12 stones :) - I'm now on my next battle to get down into the 11's (For me that will be a major major achivement, but it does feel like it's a way away at the moment)

I have really enjoyed 810, and CDC still thinks a 'bigger loss' will show, so has advised me to try another week on 810 before making the decision to possibly go back down to SS for the next stone or two, and then slowly going up the plans.

I hope everyone else is having a good week. It's getting very quiet on our team thread at the moment

Claire x
Hi all, Im sorry Ive not been here , think it will be best if you ad for new members and one of you become team leadrer, im sorry but really not in the right head space for this at the moment , you are all doing sooooo well and im just not helping.

sorry again.xx

good luck.xx
Ohhhh No!

What is happening to everybody?

IT will be a real shame if the team gives in!!

Well done Claire, I have not had chance to see CDC after my little one caught Chicken Pox over the weekend, its a bit of a nightmare at the mo...added with a paranoia with itching as I have not had ChuckyPox!
I lost -4lb last week. Chicken Pox is yet to hit our household. Not looking forward to a grumpy 2 year old if he catches it at nursery.

I dont have time to be team leader so does someone else want to do it?
Who is in the team now?
I would struggle to commit the time to be Team leader too.

I am not even sure who is still in the team?

We are having lots of disrupted sleep with the chuck pox at the mo....I can't believe the spots are still coming out after 7 days.Nursery won't accept her until 7 days after the last at this rate I wont have been to work for three weeks!!.I thought they would all come out in 24 hours...obviously not!!
Sounds like she has it bad! Poor love. I am glad harrison has not got it yet as I dont get sick pay. Would be a nightmare!

Maybe we need to advertise for team members as it seems like we only have me, you and Claire???
Probably have to

Maybe if we dont have a volunteer for Team Leader we could advertise for one of those too? How many are supposed to be in the team?

I think if the Chuck pox comes out overnight its a little easier, its taken a full week for Ems' spots to come out. I have had to use my holidays to cover the time off, but fortunately the bank holiday helped! I am hoping she will be better by early next week..she is eating a little now and sleeping again which is a good sign!

To make matters worse, on my scales I have put on 3lb ..hopefully that is a descrepancy between the scales, but the diet had gone to pot in the last week. But I am planning to get back on track fully tomorrow.
Found these

Rules for CD Teams
Each team has 6 members, one of whom is the designated team leader.

Each member weighs weekly and submits results to the team leader.

Team leader submits weekly team % result and biggest loser result between Thurs and Sun either on the weekly thread or by pm. Deadline is Sun at 6 pm.

A team needs to have 3 results to be able to win the Team award

Calculations for each individual %:
number of lbs lost divided by weight last week in pounds multiplied by 100.

Calculations for team %:
total number of lbs lost divided by total number of last week's weights in pounds multiplied by 100

I can do the calcs if you can send me your current weight , I will contact Irene to ask for a bit of support during our transition period and post our results next week when hopefully we will have 6 members!!

Is everyone up for advertising for another 3 bods?

Hopefully Susan will want to come back again a little further down the line!!

We have done so well, so it would be a shame for the team to give up now!??
Hi Girls,
I'm still here too :)
Looks like just the 3 of us 'til we get some newbies.
I would do team leader, but I'm in middle of assignments, and so I wouldn't be very good!

My weight this week in lbs is 180 1/2lbs

Hope you two are both ok, and hope Susan you're ok too.