Team 1 - **leahs lightweights** offical thread.

Three is a good start!

If you want to be Team Leader Claire but want to get the assigments done first, I can run with the figures until you are ready?
I have pm'd Irene and she will support us if we want to do the figures then run them past her before thats good.

We need to get a minimum of one newbie, three if poss on board before next week as we need more figures ideally as I cannot guarantee get to CDC next week if my spotty lotty is still in quarantine!

If we decide on the Team Leader bit I can get the post put on and/or advertise for a Team Leader?
Mooee - I'm happy for you to do if you want to hun, I don't mind helping you on weeks your busy or away if you want as my course runs 'til September and then I have exam in October...but I don't mind doing it between us maybe as an option so we can fall between us both so someone is always covering results etc?x
Alexmummy for Team Leader!!!!

If you do Team Leader and I can deputise in the event that you have too much on...just give me a shout if you need assistance.????
The calcs seem pretty straight forward.

I will stick an advert on for three more bods and see if we get takers as we could do with results by the end of next week if possible. I think we have missed quite a few weeks of results.
Advert has gone on

for three new bods....lets see what response we get back!

Bring on the full team!!!:D:D:D:D

If I can get organised this weekend and my little spotty lotty allows, I will get my pictures of my journey so far added to my profile! (and get the rest of it updated!!)

I was wondering if I could join your team?

Looking for some support and would like to support others in the same situation

Hi Rhiana - you are more than welcome to join our team :)

If you want to tell us a little about you so we know about you're journey so far, and how we can support you that might be a good start.

Also, can you let me know your Weigh in day, and your weight last week (or this week if you have weighed in this week so far) so I can work out stats to start next week for weigh in's. You are welcome to PM me these details if you want to.

Just so you know, I am Claire, I started CD on January 5th after a loooong battle with my weight, and started with about 7 1/2 stone to lose. I'm 4 stone down now, and my losses in the last 2 weeks have really slowed down, so have been getting a bit frustrated, but keeping going 100%. I had been on 810 for two weeks, but have had enough of eating, and as of today I am back on SS again, as want to get things sped up again.

Good luck for your journey hun, keep posting :) xx
Hi to Team Leahs Lightweights. Do you still have a space available? If you have i'd luv to become a member and support you all, looks like you've all done very well so far! x:D
Hi Shlinz, yes we do have a space (we have 2 still after Rhiana) so you are more than welcome to join.

As with the above thread, if you can send me your starting weight from your last weigh in, your weigh in day that would be great, you can either put it on here, or send it to me on a PM.

I'm sure the other's will be along to introduce themselves shortly too.

Good Luck for your CD journey. xx
Hi new team mates!

Hi Shlinz and Rhiana,

Welcome to Team 1.

Just to give you a brief overview of my journey so far.
I started CD SS last October and had lost about 4 stone by Christmas. I then did my AAMW over Chsristmas and New year and have just short of another 2 stone since.
I have been doing 1000 cal plan for a few weeks, but am currently planning to return to SS to lose another stone as I have not been officially weighed for a couple of weeks so think I have put a couple of pounds on. :mad:

Good luck on your journey and here's to great success!!! :D
A little about me!

Hi all and thanks for having me!!
I had my 1st appointment last monday (4th) Started SS plan on Tuesday, so currently on day 4 and doing great.
I have heaps to lose:eek: Starting weight was 19st 5lbs and my weigh in is at 6.45 on monday. Will be here for the long haul as i'm determined to shift the weight and keep it off for good.....and the sooner the better!!:D
Hi Shlinz thanks for letting us know start weight and your weigh in day - if you can let us know your weigh in each week, and anything else you want to let us know - how you're getting on etc that's all great, then between Mooee and I, we will be working out % loss, and have a team loser, and then we will report team results each week to the other thread.

I still have about another 3 1/2 stone to lose - so I won't be going anywhere either, and I'm back to SS again too, Mooee - would love to see how you and I get on for the next few weeks SS'ing again. I really want to shift the next 2 stone in the quickest way possible...just my body doesn't seem to want to agree with me...but we're keeping going!

I'm a Monday weigher too - 7pm for me...
I'll be posting my results....hopefully all loses:p as soon as I get home from weigh in!
So far i'm finding it great, have only suffered 1 headache on day 2 but been fine since, just hope it stays that way, been drinking plenty water too and feeling the best I have done for a long time, sleeping great and getting up in the morning without any aches or pains, just a smile, thinking i'm another day closer to my 1st weigh in!!!
A challenge to get 2 stone off SS by end of June?

Hi Claire,

Fancy a mini challenge for both of us to get SS working again.

Its so bloomin' frustrating to be so close, yet so far. I think for me, because I am now in much smaller clothes I lost momentum when I upped to the 810/1000 cal stages.
It was my first SS day yesterday and that went okay....see if it shows on Fridays scales! Needless to say no WI yesterday due to spotty lotty still being in quarantine.

Good luck for this week guys :)
Good luck Moeee and claire if you decide to go back to must be hard going back on to SS than 1st time round.

How's everyone doing today, anyone doing anything exciting??.x

Thanks Slintz,

I have found it harder trying to get my head around it again....more so now than at Christmas, as at that point I still had a long way to go...I think a lot is about having the willpower and desire to get to the way you want to look...the further that is away, the more incentive to do it!

I still think I look a lot fatter than I am...but not sure yet how to get my head around that bit!

But if dieting was easy we'd all be thin!

Have fun! You've done the hard bit...the nice bit comes on the scales next week! Have you taken your measurements?
Moee you've have a great weightloss and can imagine ur body has changed dramatically and can also imagine how hard it must be to accept the change, i've never yet had the pleasure of a huge change so really looking forward to that myself!
Yes, took all my measurements and looking forward to re-measuring on monday and weighing in, think that will spur me on even more!.x
Hi Irene - we wont have results this week - but we should do next week.

Hi everyone else.
Mooee I'm up for a mini Challenge - what are you thinking. Sorry for the TMI, but TOTM still ongoing for me so scales tomorrow are not going to be good...again!! Not going to hit target of 12, 7 before a family get together (not for good reasons on Sunday) but not much else I can do about that now. Have been SS since Friday, had headaches today, so I think the Ketosis is setting in again (I think I was knocked out of ketosis slightly on 810) so nice to be 'back in' again.

Can't wait to hear everyone's weigh in results starting from tomorrow onwards. We now have 5 in our team, so still have one place left.

Good Luck to everyone for a brilliant week, my weigh in is tomorrow, but I have got to (must must must) get my assignment done and out of the way, as it's driving me mad, so will report on once I've been for weigh in tomorrow night - not that I'm looking forward to it! xx
Hi Everyone

I would like to lose 20lb by the end of June if possible. (7 weeks).

I have been on SS for 3 days now, but Ketostix show nothing at mo.

I had a headache yesterday so expected them to show ketosis today, but to get rid of the extra carbs from the 1000 plan must be taking longer than planned.
Hopefully tomorrow.

I have been at the same weight, give or take a few lbs for weeks now - so its time to change and have a final push! It would be nice to get to the 100lb mark, but that may be a bit much for me even though I won't be a "healthy BMI".

Good luck to all this week
I haven't used my ketostix yet, but the keto breath is kicking in again (lovely) and I feel exactly the same 'down' feeling as I have done just before going into Ketosis each time - so I'm hoping I'm just going into it today. Now I'm in the 12's - I can't wait to see the 11's, so my first goal is to get to the 11's now, and then it will be a race to the 10's...being so short, I'm still classed as 'obese' but the difference between 'obese' 'overweight' and 'normal' is quite small, so I really want to get through them quite quickly. 10 stone 1 is the highest end of my 'normal' and that's my first goal with my CDC, and then I am thinking of going for 9 stone 10 as my personal goal - I don't remember the last time I was 9 stone 10! x