Team 1 - **leahs lightweights** offical thread.

Hi Rhiana - thanks for your reply hun - today kinda got worse, and I think the emotions from Friday and Sunday spilled over a bit, so have been a bit teary, but I'm ok. Went to W.I. with renewed Make Up, but feeling like I should be giving in because realistically with the money I spend on Cambridge I should be spending on the car, but my mum has told me not to give in and that they want to help us out with the car - which I feel very guilty about.

Anyway, weigh in, wasn't great, 1 3/4lbs down, but still a loss none the less, my body just never seems to play ball when I want it to. Have come away, and back to plan now. I can't give up, down to 12 stone 7 1/2 from 17 stone, and the 11's are almost just in sight now, I just have to keep working and working, it's got to come right?
Going to make my bar now, and have some water, now I've got my new water flavour.

Shlinz, hope you got on ok tonight - can't wait to hear your result xx
Alexmummy your results speak for themselves. You've done brilliantly and a loss is still a loss. No doubt your parents are seeing how well you are doing and, cos they are able to, want to help. Don't feel guilty, its what parents are for! Glad you have got through your difficult weekend too.

Shlinz - fantastic result.

I haven't fully been into the diet this week. Don't get me wrong, except for a couple of crisps and kids pick n mix, I've stayed on track but I have missed out a couple of shakes and not drunk enough water. This chest infection is really getting me down. I can't sleep at night for coughing and as a result, got a sore throat and strained tummy! At certain points last week, I felt the diet wasn't helping and I probably should have eaten properly, even if it was just soup, fruit or a decent meal. But I thought it would undo everything Ive done so far. Think I have slipped slightly out of ketosis but Iam back on track today. It must be the difficult 3rd week Ive heard about!!!

Still not got TOTM yet. Oh theres no worry its not here, I just want to get rid of any retained water! (sorry TMI!) :eek:

a loss is still a loss. Well done!! You're still doing brilliantly and those 11's will be there soon.

As for the money not long til maintenance hun then it'll be cheaper anyway ;)

Hope you got on ok Schlinz xxx
Hi girls - thanks for your comments :)

Feeling a bit 'back with it' today, had my first shake and a litre of water so far down. I think the whole week caught up with me yesterday and just really got to me. I didn't mention, because I don't usually but I guess an explanation is in order a bit, but Friday would have been our baby that we lost in 2006's 2nd Birthday, and I thought I'd been coping fine, but yesterday I think that, along with Sunday doing the ashes for my Uncle, along with all the stress of the Assignment from last week aswell it just all caught up with me aswell as the car (although that is minor in the scale of things) and typically I'd stayed 100% on the diet and felt quite disappointed with the result last night. Today though, I've woken up and the sun is shining and although it's another sad day - Today is actually a year since my Uncle died, I know he would be so proud of what I've achieved so far with the diet, and also with the degree I've started. I got my assignment mark back for the one I gave in last week and got 76% on that one - so I was pretty pleased, seeing as I had to skip some bits out from when Alex was so poorly when we came back from our holiday.

Anyway - enough of my depressing news! I'm back to happy Claire today, I just wanted to explain about my not so happy-self yesterday (it doesn't happen often - honest! and I'm usually very happy about very grateful for what I do have, and Alex is such a little miracle to me)

So for this week, the aim is to try to shift 2 1/2lbs to get to 12 stone 5, and then hopefully another 2 weeks after that get into the 11's...that's the plan anyway - but we will see what happens! I am planning to SS as much of the week as possible, but have been told if I get hungry to eat a meal as my body is beginning to ask for it, so to SS+ mix like I did last week.

How is everyone else, have you any plans at all?

Natty - was going to ask where did you see Shlinz's result? I haven't seen it yet x
Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better today. I think you have every right to have a down day or 2. I lost a baby about 5 years ago so I kind of know how you feel there.

Not sure if you're one for online hugs so have a sleeping snoopy to cheer you up :snoopyhouse:
Tah hun :) much appreciated :)

Sorry to hear about you're loss too. so (((hugs))) back xx
Sorry - I think I must have muddled up the names. Too much cough medicine I think! I know its been a difficult weekend for some of you so heres a :grouphugg:

I only lost 1.5lbs. I started TOTM today so hopefully there will be a boost in weight loss this week. I have a wedding to go to Friday but luckily its a late one at 4pm so I will allow myself some food from the buffet but will avoid the high carb ones!

I am wondering if I am doing this diet right too. I am on 810 so I have porridge around 7.30, a shake or bar 11.30, shake at 3.30 then a small meal in the evening. Am I having too many CD meals? I read everywhere that it says 3 CD meals plus a small meal but then loads of posts seem to suggest people are only having 2 shakes?
I'm not sure hun, I was told for SS it was 3 shakes/soups a day or 4 if you're especially hungry/over 5'8"/or a man.

I'm not sure about 810 tho.

Just a thought - you said you've been having cough mixture? Usually they're loaded with sugar, could that have effected anything?
mmm thats a thought. Not a lot of cough medicine but maybe enough to stall things a bit.

Ive reread the booklet and it definately says 3 CD meals plus a small meal. And for SS its just 3 meals then, nothing more other than water? I didn't question what I was having until I read a few posts and it started me thinking.

How have you been on SS? Maybe I should try it for a few days? I do go into ketosis when on 810 and I know they don't advise swapping between the two but it might help?
Hi Natty

It is 3 meals. For some people, if they do the 810 and stay in Ketosis its as good as SS.

I had a problem losing weight when taking cough mixture and definately made a major difference with me...but if you are unwell you are better getting yourself sorted and your immune system recovered.

Thanks Mooee. Fortunately my chest infection is going. I think you are right though, maybe I should have eaten properly (not bad food!) and just let the virus do its course!

I have to say though - had a bar for the second time this week, peanut and cranberry and its like a chocolate fix! I love 'em!
Woo hoo lost 5 lbs this week!!

Nattyw I've been on SS for 3 weeks now - lost 21 lb altogether
hiya,back from my hols and was stuck in london for a week longer than planned, sorry i didn't return straight away! did yous replace me?
not a problem if you have, just wondered as i'm going back on tomorrow xx
Well done on a fab loss Rhiana and also for going under the 300lb mark - that's just great :) week is going from bad to worse, I think the colds are definately doing the rounds. My little boy has had a bit of a chesty cough for a day or so and yesterday my throat has really come up, it feels like glass, so sharp and horrible - headaches, achey and horrible. I'm avoiding the beechams drinks, but taking tablets, but my throat is sooooo sore, and Im having trouble sleeping because of it that I am having lozengers - I know it's banned on CD, but I just need to get myself well again. My little boy last night has also gone downhill, and his temperature rose sky high, and his throat seems to be up too, he isn't sleeping well either, so have put a pillow under his mattress to try and elevate him a bit, and put Karvol on his bedding to try and help him breathe better, but I think his immune system is really down after the Gastroenteritis only last month.

Sticking to diet, and trying to drink lots, but can already see scales are increasing (quite bad really that a few throat lozengers can cause that and it's upsetting to see, but I just want it to go away asap)

Natty for 810 it is def 3 cambridge meals a day plus the small evening meal (or whenever you want it) if you don't have the 3 meals you're not getting all your nutrients that your body needs. I would say it was probably the medication that may have affected the last loss. Or it could be if you have had a few big losses, then sometimes it just evens out a bit and then you'll get another loss. Oh and I've just read you started TOTM too, so that will easily be an affect on it. I started my TOTM 3 weeks ago, lost 1 3/4lbs then the following week I lost 1 1/2 inches off my waist, and also 3 1/2lbs that week.
Hi Emma - I didn't see your post before I replied, so please don't think I ignored you. To be totally honest I hadn't realised you were on holiday, and our numbers dwindled so quickly and then we lost Susan too (Hope you're ok Susan if you're reading) that we have tried to fill our numbers again. You're still more than welcome to post on the thread and I'd like it if you did. xx
its not a problem :)
i might pop in from time to time for a moan still.
im best not being in a team anyway because im not reliable enough as im up and down the country and cant always get my results in on time.
good luck girlies xx
That's fine Emma, you're welcome whenever you want :). I am wishing you all the very best for your return to CD, you know how good the results are, and have done so well so far! xx
Well done Rhiana on your loss - fab! x :happy096:

Claire - I hope you and your little boy feel better soon. I know how you feel. And its worse when you have a little one to look after too. :patback:

Right, I am off to a wedding today. I am going to be good. The scales are starting to go down so I don't want to ruin anything.

Have a good day everyone xxx
Have a lovely day xx

Hope you feel better today Claire xx
Hi Guys

Hope you are doing well..I have not lost anything this week.

I am dropping to 1-2 packs a day for 3 weeks and then will make a decision whether to pack it in completely.

As soon as I know which way it is going I will let you know. I have been so disillusioned with the lack of support from my CDC now I don't want to SS.