Team 1 - **leahs lightweights** offical thread.

No problem Rhiana - try not to be nervous (easy for me to say, I am every week!) but go with your head high, and in my case not too much water in the afternoon and you will be perfectly fine :)

Shlinz, Stick to your CDC's official weigh in, but again, like you, I do weigh myself 2-3 times throughout the week, I don't even know why, because if you move my scales even an inch one way or the other, the scales change how much I weigh - so it's stupid of me really, but I do! It's just an addiction really, and one that closer to goal, I really do need to get out of, but it's my confession for today :S
Second confession is I have been really naughty and had no water as of yet, but had my choc mint shake, yumm! Going to fill up water bottle... OK bottle filled (1 litre) so must drink this now in pretty rapid time in order to get through at least 2.5 litres today, if not 3.

Evening everyone.

Glad everyones diet is going well. I've struggled this week with feeling a bit under par but I havent succumbed (well, just a bit of ham whilst making my OH's lunch!) but I have really missed food this week> Crisps, chocolate, all the stuff we aren't meant to eat. I really look forward to my meal in the evening!!! Its half the size I used to have but really feels me up.

I normally weigh myself on a Monday as I don't see my CDC every week. I can bring the day forward to Sunday if thats any easier. my weight loss of 10lbs was my first WI over the first 2 weeks.

Don't think I will lose much this week as its my TOTM this Sunday. Do any of you gain or STS during this time?

Hi Natty, it's no problem, what I'll do is half your weigh in (as its been over 2 weeks) and use the 5lbs as your w.i. result for this week, and then carry on from next week as weekly result, no need to bring forward or anything. I'll do as above, if that's ok with you? Let me know of course, if that's not ok.

Hope you are feeling much better soon, and keep glugging the water too, when I've had colds etc I've found it really does help as much as I haven't felt like it xx
Morning all,

I lost 5 lbs this week, thats my first stone plus 2 lbs in 2 weeks I'm really pleased!!
YEYYYYY!!! Well done!! That's a fab result! Really really really well done! Team results are looking great so far this week! :)
Look at your stats too, could easily be into the 200lb mark next week and at the latest the week after (but I reckon next week ;) and wave good by to the 3's forever ) That really is a great great loss hun.

Well after my water disaster yesterday morning. I'm up early today, having my Strawberry shake as I type, altho I'm going off the flavour rapidly, and I've finished my first 1ltr bottle of water so feeling ok :) Taking my little boy to music class in about twenty mins, and may pop in to see my nan after he's had a sleep later today. We are scattering my mum's twin brother's (my uncle) ashes on Sunday, so emotions are running a bit high at the moment between a few family members so I am trying to keep the peace between as many as I can, as it's going to be a sad day, but even though it's actually a year since his death on the 19th there are still a few issues unresolved surrounding his death, and I think the anniversary, and the scattering are bringing these to the surface again (won't go into too many details). But I hope it's a peaceful day on Sunday anyway, as it should be.

Hope everyone has a good day, it's cold, and looking miserable outside, never makes you feel all that good when it's like this, and Ketosis always makes you feel the cold even more so :( xx
Thanks :) I'm really pleased and it's spurred me on to keep going for another week.

My goal is just a rough guide for me as I'm trying to take it a week at a time and see how I go.

Sorry to hear about your sad weekend coming up. Hope you're ok and it goes as well as something like that can.

Well done on your water drinking, if you're anything like me you'll be peeing like a trooper all day too!
Yeah...great results

Hope your weekend goes okay Alexmummy. I have WI tomorrow am, so will post later in the day. Stats are up to date. Although I have been SS'ing again this week, I am thinking of going up a plan again as my palpatations have returned occasionally, but I will run this past the GP next week.

I have been for a 4 mile walk but rain stopped me going any further. If there is a break in the predicted weekend rain then I will get on my bike too.
Have been really rubbish with the water though as I had forgotten to take some out when walking and then was so busy with little one that it was 2pm before I started drinking!
I am sooo sorry but my life is so busy now that my brain is too tired to log on after a days work. I sent 84 emails yesterday can you believe! I lost 8lb this week. Whooop, whoop. But ia m cycling and walking 6 miles a day now so think thats helped. Hope everyone had a good week.
Super Achievement!

Great results Lotstolose. You are an inspiration to us all!

I have I lost 5lb this week.

I am going to look for a new CDC as she does not offer support that anything other than SS as the way forward.
I have had to take flavours of products that I'm not keen on as she doesn't have a lot of stock in at the minute(doesn't sell all of the flavours on offer either), so I am a bit ratted off at the mo.
Sorry to hear that Mooee, it's hard enough as it is without not having adequate support from your CDC and flavours you don't actually like.

You've always got us to turn to for support though :eek:
Thanks Rhiana

I have spoken to another CDC and she also would not permit me to do anything other than SS until I had lost another 2.5 stone minimum at 4 packs a day! What I want to do is irrelevant! Nice!

I shall not give up! If it comes to it I shall order products from my CDC, so at least I have the flavours I want and then weigh myself, just doing the 60 mile round trip once a month!

I am soooo mad though. I know I could not maintain anything smaller than a size 16 as I was this size as a slim body has a few more miles on the clock now! an extra 2.5 stone loss would make me smaller than this and I believe destined to failure.

:confused: :mad: :( :sigh:
That's nice, what you want is irrelevant yet you're paying for this?!

Don't write yourself off hun, you've done awesome so far.

You can only take one day/week at a time, which is what I'm doing. There's no end to what you can do - Positive Mental Attitude!!!!!
Hi Everyone

Well it's been a busy weekend for me.
Yesterday, had my pamper day with my mum, which was lovely, spent the morning using the gym, swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna etc, had a small lunch out - which turned out the chicken wasn't cooked (suffered today - not good) Came back in the afternoon and had back, neck and shoulder massage, facial and hot wax eyebrows - was absolutely heaven! Really relaxed and enjoyed!
The first time me and mum have been out on our own in a long while, probably since I was pregnant with Alex!

Today, wasn't so nice - not just because of the uncooked chicken!

We did manage to find a nice spot to do Steve (uncle's) ashes, and that was ok, although weather was horrible, but just a sad day in general. Always upsets me seeing my grandparents and mum being upset, but I'm glad it's done if that makes sense.

On the plus side, I had lots of nice comments from people saying how much weight I had lost, as I haven't seen most of them for quite a while, and some since Xmas, so for some it's the full 4 1/2 stone that I've lost since seeing them. Just getting very nervous about W.I. tomorrow now.

Just so you all know our team percentage loss this week was 2.84 % and our biggest loser this week was Shlinz with 5.13%! Well done to everyone though, lets hope we can keep it up!
We lost over 40lbs between 6 of us last week! What can we do next week??x
Congratulations to Team 1. You are this week's winning team

And congratulations to Shlinz as you are the Biggest Loser

Irene xx
yay!! well done everyone!! xx
Great results guys

And a terrific result Shlinz....what a great start.

well done girls.xxxx
Morning Everyone

Well it's W.I. day for me - and just not feeling it today.
Monday's are never a good day as it is, and weighed myself this morning, and the scales have gone UP since going to the gym on Saturday :( - I knew this could potentially happen, but I never thought it really would seeing as I still have so much weight to lose.

Also, I forgot to add in yesterday, that on the way to do the ashes, our car broke down, and we're so skint, with my fiance' having lost his job twice in the last year (due to redundancy) and the threat of it happening again in September, I just don't know how we're going to fix it again. We last had it done in October by his dad, and we're lucky he let us have it as an Xmas present, but this time I'm sure he is going to ask us to pay (as he rightfully should). I've also got so much work to do for the course, and just feel very snowed under with this and housework today. I think it's probably weight related too, every Monday just reminds me that although I'm 'edging' closer to goal, I still have such a long way to go, and the slower the weight comes off, the longer I have to pay for the 3 meals a day, I'd love to be down to 2 by now, or very soon, but it's just not happening yet. I've watched a lot of people who started in January like me, and they are well on the maintenance side by now, yet my metabolism just doesn't seem to want to shift weight like their's.

Sorry for the negative post this morning, I'm sure I'll be fine later, or maybe not when we find out the extent to the damage on the car :'-(

Hope you're all having a brighter day x
Hiya honey,

Hope you're ok. Not sure on what time you have your weigh in so good luck/how did you get on?depending on whether you've been or not.

Sorry to hear you're going through the rough at the moment, just remember it takes a strong and special person to be able to stick to this diet especially when things aren't so great in your life.

Hugs xx