***Team 2 CD W8 Warrior Princesses!***

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WOW well done on the 15.6lb thats amazing. Guess the pasta didn't do any harm after all. Probably best not to try it again though!
WOW!:eek: That's an amazing loss!!:) Well done!!!

We're all doing really well.. :D I find it really helpful being part of a team.. Really keeps you motivated!!

How is everyone today?? It's day 9 for me today and feel great! :p:DOrdered my new callanetics DVD yesterday to get rid of post baby c'sec belly!! Feeling really good!!!

It's my bro's best friends 21st bday party tomorrow night and Im so determined to be strong!! Water all round for me and hubby!! :D

Hope you all have a lovely day x

Oh shall I change Thread title???
Oh my gosh, 15.6lbs, thats a stone gone in your first week, thats amazing. Well done hun. I hope this keeps you motivated to keep going strong, it is such a great loss.

I'm doing ok today. Was felling very very unwell last night so had some paracetemol and went to bed. The spicy food cravings were driving me crazy too, lol. But i did mange to have about 4 litres yesterday which was great. I'm aiming for 3.5 - 4 litres today.

I do have some bad news (or good depending on how you look at it), my scales arn't working :(. I'm not sure if the batteries are dead of if my lil bro has messed them up (hes always on them, trying to gain weight tho, lol). So i think i'm not going to replace them because that way i can stop weighing myself every morning. So i guess its good news.

So Yummy Mummy, if you're collecting the WI results, i'm have to change my Week 1&2 loss to 8lbs as thats what it was on CDC scales and i'm going off her scales now (i weigh 1lb less on mine).

Anyway, i hope you're all having a fab day :) xx
I forgot to mention, i'm ok with you changing the thread title :) xx
hiya all
well the days gone ok so far! ive signed up for aqua aerobics start on mon, yummy mummy your lucky you have a partner going thro this journey with you! my OH is slim 5'10 and 12 stone, so i have to put up with him gobbling and drinking!(big brother final tonight he'll have the beers out) xx
oooo aqua aerobics sounds like fun. You'll have to let us know how you get on. They offter these sessions at my local swimming pool but i'm afraid of exercising whilt SSing. I'll probably work my way up to it.

I'm glad you've had a good day lena :) xx

That sounds good fun Lena.. Would love to do some classes but dont want to go alone :( and the gym nearest to me they're all about a size minus 4!! :eek: And look at curvatious women!! :D:8855:

I'm feeling positive today.. hubby Steve having a rough day bless him!! Got party tomorrow night, does anyone know if we can have diet coke???

I've changed thread title so we are official princesses now girls!!! :D
im going alone! i dont mnd as we're all in the water you cant really see our bodies, lol. Anyway iv been before and theres lots of big girls. im sure the odd diet coke is fine, 1 kcal and no sugar lol! im gonna have a glass later - well it is friday!
redscarlet - havnt heard from you today- hope all is good hun, im gonna watch bb final and allow myelf one glass of diet coke!
Oh yeah... The results of the Wi's are due tomorrow night so could I please have all of your WI results which is:

Calculations for each individual %:
number of lbs lost divided by weight last week in pounds multiplied by 100.

Yummy Mummy xx = 2.30%

If you get stuck give me a shout! :)
Hey YM :) How are you today?? I had a very tough night with the food cravings and a very sore mouth that i get when i'm in ketosis but things are going well today.

I'm not sure what to do about my loss last week because i had it done after 2 weeks and had a loss of -8lbs on CDCs scales. So if i use that loss over my starting weight my percentage loss is: 4.878% for 2 weeks. But i guess you can half that for 1 weeks loss which is 2.439%. Sorry for being so complicated xx

I had a dream last night that I ate lasagne and chips!! How bad is that!! Only a dream thought phew!!


Yummy Mummy xx = 2.30%
Maybe Baby = 2.44%

Hope you all have had a good day x
hiya all
yummy mummy my 1st weigh in isnt till mon! ive noticed the boards been very quiet! ive hd a good day sofar - dont feel hungry at all,yest i was a bit naughty had a few diet cokes and 2 cheese strings!
morning ladies - how is everyone? its been very quiet on here lately!
im on day 7 - weigh in 2moro, feeling nervous but just checked my ketones and there medium so hoping for some kinda loss!
Hi Lena, dont worry about your WI, i'm sure you'll do great. I have my WI tmrw aswell but i dont think i've lost much because i had to have some lempsip max yesterday because i was very unwell. I feel so much better today so i'm drinkng as much water as i can to get rid of any water weight.

I hope you're all having a good day xx :)
Hiya Everyone!!

Sorry but didnt manage to get the WI results in this week coz not everyone was weighed etc so will do it next week!!

Lena, your WI will be fine tomorrow... Let us know! :)

Hope you've all had a good weekend?? I've done SS today not SS+ so really pleased and survived a 21st bday party last night!!! NO food and NO drink except water yay!!

Hope you're all ok xx
well done yummy mummy! that was a really hard test and you passed! did your oh do the same? its nice ur going thro this journey together.im nervous about weigh in, i know im in ketosis but i have had a 200kcal meal each day but gonna try and do a ss week next week. xx
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