YM, Well done on losing 6 inches, thats amazing. I'm going to have to start measuring myself too. As for the tmmy exercises, why dont you try Pilates. Its meant to be really good for strenthening your stomach muscles. You could go to a class or buy a DVD. I am looking into going to a class with my younger sister.
DB, i'm happy that yesterday hasnt effected your weight, just keep drinking the water to get it out your system. I think having 4 packs a day is a really good idea, i always have an extra pack if i feel hungry.
Aww Lena, i'm sorry to hear about the heartburn, that is horrible. I got that aswell when i had the porridge, it was awful. So i decided to just stick to my shakes too. I wish i could have the soups too but i cant stand any of them. But you're doing great on the diet. I am sure you will be able to do 1 whole SS day soon, just try to reduce the extra little bits you eat day by day and i bet you'll be on SS in no time. You could also try SS+ if that helps. Stay positive
SL, i know how you feel about going out and having to find a toilet every 10 mins, lol and i would have done the same with my water. But try to drink alittle bit more because it'll help with the headaches and also you'll find that you'll need to pee every half an hour or so as it gets better.
Oooo, you'll have to take some pics from your ball, i bet you'll look lovely. I wish i could go to a ball, lol, i'd feel like cinderella, lol.
I hope you're all having a lovely day. I am feeling much better today after having those 2 paracetemol last night. But i'm gettin abit impatient with the weightloss, lol, i want to see it on my face (although i can see abit), lol.
Speak soon xx