well done matt on resisting temptation!
note to self- try making muffin!
aussie raquel well done too!
I have now to confess that i have jumped on my scales at home - i know its a no-no, but hey, we all do it...
And i have lost
5lb in 5days and thats on 1000 cal, imagine if i had the strength to SS!!!
im struggling im on half term at the mo, and not being at work is making it hard (i find it easier not to think about food when im surrounded by it all the time,

, so hopefully when im back at work it will be easier

Yesterday was a hard day, took my DD ice skating (she is 6 and has just got her gold Dance, she is now doing her bronze free style she has been skating since she was 3 and is the youngest to progress at her rink... i dont want me kids to have the same weight problems i have had, so both boys play league football and she ice skates...) i digress, normally have hot chocolate and cake whilst watching her and resisted

just ate sugar free polos!!lol!
then my hair dresser came and again, normally eat biscuits etc.
i think yesterday i realised how much processed food i eat but dont "count" in my diet - if you know what i mean. i always thought i had a healthy diet but am slowly realising how many bad habits i have developed since stopping CD last summer.
Ate couscous chicken and veg last night which was yummy!!
anyway off to watch DS10 play football,
tc tx