hi guys, i come to hang my head in shame...
after getting dh to bed and 3 kids, sorting 2 dogs and having a shower, i started on lunch boxes, and ate a chocolate bar... do you know what? i did it without thinking it was not a concious decision, to or not to eat it,i didnt even taste it except for the mint taste after (it was a frys cream mint bar...) i only had 1 porridge and the chicken noodle soup thing, so hopefully will be ok but how bad is that:cry::cry::cry::cry:
ok, dh is fine this morning, bruised but "awake", he is bed bound for 3 days so running up and down stairs is great for weight!!!
have just doen a tesco on line grocery order and got lots of quorn and salad stuff, so that will motivate me to be good, our house is like old mother hubbards!!
scott - welcome to the team my sigh in scojos, is a combination of my kids name scott, and josh, there are too many tracys out there

i am also really excited as i have a look see at a school on thursday its a 2nd in dept job, big promotion for me, have to fill in application forms which i hate

anyway need to iron now, tc