Team 23 - Mission: SlimPossible

Thanks :)

The doctor put me at ease, just precautionary stuff.

It's a good job I'm not scared of needles mind needing another test, my veins are impossible to find and the 2 other times I've had blood taken there has been atleast 6 or more attempts at finding it with the needle (stick it in wiggle it around). End up looking like my arm has gone ten rounds with mike tyson haha.
yes, when i was pregnant with dd 6 you would think theyd never seen a fat woman pregannt, they couldnt find a vein and ended up using a kids thing in my hand, so blood came v slowly- i was not impressed.
luckily 1 of my old school mates had just qualified as a mid wife, so when i actually went in to have her she had already spoken to staff about my size (more importantly my concerns about them!) and everything was fine.
i was probably 22 stone when i went into the operating t) theatre (inc her weight obviously!)
they weighed me and told me, can only remember the 22 so might have been more :eek:.
when i had ds 9 they told me afterwards i nearly died on the operating table (v high blood pressure) so you can imagine when i had her i was v scared!!!
thought that might make you smile- note to surgeon dont make fat jokes to a wound up pregnant woman!!!
I'm a web developer, basically code websites for clients (make them work rather than how they look).

Work for a company based in Salisbury but they allow their developers to work from home, guess it means they can pick and choose their employees rather than stick to local ones.

Had a load of blood tests done shortly before going on the diet and rang up for the results today, I've got to go in about the results of the liver one, I hope everything is ok and I don't have to stop allready!! :(

oh and i do love a bloke who knows his way around a computer;)
matt, could you send me the team logo pls? id like to show my alligance<:D

I can PM you the link when you have posted over 50 messages and have access to your PM's. However, Fiona copied and pasted the logo from my signature, which I didn't realise could be done. :)
Hi team!

It's so good to see the team so active again!

Scott - I should be working from home for the next couple of days so we can chat and keep each other going!! :p

Feeling good today but made the mistake of weighing myself this morning and I appear to have gained 2lbs :confused: No idea how as I have stuck to this 100% so will just avoid the scales for the next couple of days I think!

Scojos - how many children do you have? Read your post and it looks like you've got 9?!!! Is that their ages or are you superhuman?!! :D

I'm like you Fiona and Scott, I tend to not have a shake in the morning and then my first around lunchtime, I then have my lunch in the car on the way home around 5ish and then dinner about now!

I might experiment over the next couple of days while I'm at home and see if having the packs earlier helps with my weight loss - have any of you found that you don't lose as much if you have the packs later in the day? I know you're not supposed to eat after 7ish so I wonder if that's the same for the packs?
I can PM you the link when you have posted over 50 messages and have access to your PM's. However, Fiona copied and pasted the logo from my signature, which I didn't realise could be done. :)
Hi Mat

Is it weigh in day for you tomorrow?? Are you aiming for 6lbs again? I'll be very jealous again if you do!! :p

The rumblings do calm down a bit, but don't ever go away.

I trust you have taken some starting pictures. If not, the sooner the better. I've decided to stick to taking some every 2 weeks.

Planning ahead is quite a big part of the whole thing. CD will only get you to the weight you want to be. Working through the steps will to maintanece will be a big help when it comes to foods and portion control, but the main thing is having your mind in the right place. If you are determined to keep the weight off, you really should start thinking ahead. I'm not sure I am 100% there yet, but I intend to be.

The liver is one of the best organs for self repair and it takes a hell of a lot to cause any permanent damage to it. I sure hope everything is fine.
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I had a bit of a close call with my appendix nearly bursting (because of being mis-diagnosed as something else) back in 1995. Not only that, apparantly there were complications after the operation had been completed and they were worried I wasn't going to come round. :eek:
Hi Mat

Is it weigh in day for you tomorrow?? Are you aiming for 6lbs again? I'll be very jealous again if you do!! :p

I am hoping for another 6lb, but the scales seem to be against that happening at the moment.

Regarding your previous post, not eating after 7pm is a myth. It won't make any difference how late you eat.

Eating in the morning will help to get your metabolism going. Either that or some exercise anyway.
Just dropping by to say hello to you all! :D
Great to see your thread buzzing again :)
I am hoping for another 6lb, but the scales seem to be against that happening at the moment.

Regarding your previous post, not eating after 7pm is a myth. It won't make any difference how late you eat.

Eating in the morning will help to get your metabolism going. Either that or some exercise anyway.

Thanks for that Mat, I think I'll start having the packs a bit earlier for the next couple of days to get the metabolism going, it doesn't help that I have a 2.5 hour trip to work in the mornings!

I do go to the gym but can only get there when I'm not in the office so managing 3 sessions a week at the moment.

I'm sure the scales will be good to you tomorrow - keep us posted! :D
I dunno I go to watch a half of football and you all wake up! :D

Good to know you'll be around lizzy, someone to keep my bored soul occupied haha! (working from home is lonely)

I know what you mean Mat, I fully intend to keep it off and I know what needs to be done to do it. I guess I'm just afraid of setting the bar too high and being dissapointed if I never got there? I dunno but I've never been good at planning anything hehe.

Yeah I took some photos the morning I started, I've got plenty of photos from before anyway but be good to get one in the same place every time (they are self shot though and not the greatest quality)
mat- thanks for that:party0038:
good luck with your wi, mine is friday but got to get through interview tomorrow first.
had a good day food wise, spent most of the afternoon asleep!!
had couscous and chicken quorn salad for tea - i challenge anyone to eat tha much food!!
40g couscous, 3 tbsp veg and 175g quorn is alot of food:eek::sign0163:
just had my brick as pudding with a sml banana, and of to bed.
going to book my hols tomorrow after a few weeks hunting going to eygpt, all inclusive;):argh: cheaper with kids but probably not the best for the diet, as i give in and let myself live a little when away...
where is everyone going this year?
Anyone who has Sky TV, I suggest you watch The Biggest Loser on Sky 2, every week day at midday. They started a repeat of Season 4 of the American one today. It's quite an interesting show and can be very good for motivation and ideas.
Man united scojos so I'm probably not his favourite person ;)