hi guys, just got back from wi, have put on 1lb, thats ok, totm, i expected it (i actually expected more!)
the worrying thing is my cdc is actually medically trained she really knows her stuff, i told her how drained i feel, constantly thirsty, despite drinking loads of water, i could sleep even after 10 hours sleep, she asked me a few questions, and thinks i have a thyroid problem

my mom has it, so it wouldn t suprise me, i was scared it was diabetes (which is also in the family), and she said i could be that too!!
oh my god, i need to get to the doctors! as a result she has said i must do the 1000 cal or the 1200 cal for the moment until i get the results and she ll go from there! im a bit gutted as i really wanted to ss, but my health really is more important, so i need to up my unprocessed carbs in case i have either condition. it could be neither but last time she was right (i was diagnosed with IBS) so i m not ready to ignore her advice! sorry im talking about eating again mat, but i need to vent and know you ll forgive me this once. it has freaked me out i must admit, and im not sure im going to be able to eat all that stuff, but ive got to try...
hope your e all ok, well done everyone else on your amazing losses, we are making an amazing team sorry i have gained this week, but im now going to give it my all this week to lose the 1lb and a bit more, im only 1 (ok 2) lb of being overweight - so hopefully ill be dancing next week!!
thanks for listening!