Me again!
Feeling a bit pants today so just need to put some feelings down on here to stop me from looking in the fridge every 5 minutes! Please feel free to ignore this post, I just need to get some things off my chest and hopefully start to feel a bit better!
I really hate my job. I was made redundant last March from a job I loved and haven't been happy since.
I think maybe I'm having a delayed reaction to the redundancy, I don't feel I went through the whole emotional curve at the time as it was a bit of a novelty having some time on my hands as I have never not worked.
Thankfully, at the time, we were in a position where there was no pressure for me to find work straight away, however, after being a lady of leisure for 3 months, I decided it was time to go back to work. After several interviews I accepted a job that wasn't ideal but at the time, I viewed it as a stepping stone until I found something better.
Several months on and I'm still there, it really isn't what I want to do but with the employment market the way it is, I need to stay put until I find something else.
My manager is really supportive but I have one client who is vile, had a confrontation with her yesterday and I'm still worked up about it today. I can't help thinking that if I actually enjoyed my job, I could take that on the chin and just move on rather than brooding about it like I am now!
I've now taken another step into the market and have sent my cv to some agencies in the hope that something will come up in the next couple of months.
Since being in the job, I have put on around 3 and a half stone and that also makes me unhappy. I'm glad that I'm finally back on CD but am frustrated that I'm having to do all this again because I ate too much because I'm unhappy.
I guess I at least now understand the reason for my weight gain and can start to address my issues with food and stop using it as a support/comfort.
I think I need to invest in some therapy type books to get my head in shape!!
Sorry for going on, just needed to get some things off my chest!