That's fine hun just let me know what your weight is after your meeting with your CDC.My current weight is 11.10lbs, BUT I won't actually be starting CB until Wednesday as I have my 1st meeting tomorrow eve. Is it still OK to join? Sorry - should have asked that first really :sigh:
You're in the 12's now!!!! Well done hun! You could always come with me to my CDC to get weighed on Thursday...I can pick you up. She always does weigh ins for other CDC's when they're away so it' won't be a problem.Ok my current weight is 12.12lbs but I get weighed on sundays my latest WI result was 4lbs down-wahey!
BUT!! Im not getting weighed until a fortnight away now...Im not going to be able to get down and see my CDC-so what shall I do?
My scales at home are super unreliable-ie: wii fit on heavy carpet...
I tell ya what-I'll go to boots and weigh in there on saturday...dreading it tho as its my