Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 - Official Thread :o))))

hi everyone so sorry not been around but as u all know me and hubby have split up and when i was out on the other day he came in and clean me out and took the only soruce of income i have coming in my computer and alot of other stuff and have had to sort it all out with him well anyway i havent got a computer yet but a friend is letting me use hers so wont be around as much but ill post when can hopeing for new computer this weekend.

so didnt loss anything last week by the way.

and to everyone thaat did well done and to those who didnt well never mind

sorry yet again its short but got lots to do and not alot of time talk soon xx
Oh hun - glad to see you're still around. Karma will take care of things in the end but hope you get your livelihood back soon. Thoughts are with you and we'll know not to worry if we don't hear from you for the next few weeks.
DD, SaC is right, Karma will take care of things - I'm a great believer in Karma, you just have to give it time.:hug99:. My thoughts are with you hun xxx

BBlilsis here's my official weigh in for this week before I forget...
Last week 203lbs
This week 194lbs
Lotst -9lbs:eek:
Woah!! HOly smoke Sh - that's some serious loss there and major kudos for breaking the 200 barrier!! Envious in the most delightful way!! Please ketone king let me lose 9 pounds in one week... please please please!
Woah!! HOly smoke Sh - that's some serious loss there and major kudos for breaking the 200 barrier!! Envious in the most delightful way!! Please ketone king let me lose 9 pounds in one week... please please please!

Ah thanks hun, I can honestly say I have NO idea how that happened!!!:wavey: I'm so happy at finally being under the 200lb mark:D, my next little goal is to get my BMI under 30. Which by my calculations I need to lose another 4lbs to get there. Which will hopefully be next week:innocent0001:! How exciting!!!
hi everyone just wanted to let u know that thanks to a fab dad ive now got a computer and not an old computer but a all singing all dancing one:D

he felt sorry for me with everything thats been going on so went outand brought me one and turn up with it this morning :bliss::bliss::bliss:i cant tell u how happy i was it just been so hard the last few days not knowing what to do or howi ws going to be able to work.

well anyway got togo got loads to do :D
DD, SaC is right, Karma will take care of things - I'm a great believer in Karma, you just have to give it time.:hug99:. My thoughts are with you hun xxx​

BBlilsis here's my official weigh in for this week before I forget...
Last week 203lbs
This week 194lbs
Lotst -9lbs:eek:

:wow: Oh My Fricking God, that is some amazing weight loss :bliss: did I mention that I'm soooooo jealous of you, guess if ya put in the commitment which you do, then ya defo get the results, which you have :giggle:

Well done, I may be a little jealous, but I'm mighty proud of ya too :girlpower:
hi everyone just wanted to let u know that thanks to a fab dad ive now got a computer and not an old computer but a all singing all dancing one:D

he felt sorry for me with everything thats been going on so went outand brought me one and turn up with it this morning :bliss::bliss::bliss:i cant tell u how happy i was it just been so hard the last few days not knowing what to do or howi ws going to be able to work.

well anyway got togo got loads to do :D

Awwww DD, aren't Dad's great:happy096:, these are for him :flowers:, I'm real glad to have you back with us :gen126:
Wow - to everything!

DD - I'm so glad you are back with us, daddies are fabulous. I'm on his pc at the moment while mine is getting fixed. Never to old to be a daddy's girl!

SH - WOW - I want to loose that much. I've got to be a size 20 by next weekend, so cross everything.

Still unsure as what to wear, I think when I have all the combinations there may be a fashion show - with the help of a full length mirror and a mobile phone - and then you guys can vote!

*fully interactive weight loss!*
thanks everyone and yes dads are the best he even gave me some cash to get myself back on my feet i nearly fell to fall when i saw the amount but he wouldnt take no for answer says thats whats dad are for and he wont be able to sleep if he thought i was in trouble to be honest im speechless at all the help and support ive had of friends and family i know u always say when ur in trouble u know who ur friends are but still im so touched by everything even my 5 year nephew try to give me back his birthday present and told me to take it back as he had loads of toys and didnt need it (think he must of over heard my sister and mum talking mmm )
thanks everyone and yes dads are the best he even gave me some cash to get myself back on my feet i nearly fell to fall when i saw the amount but he wouldnt take no for answer says thats whats dad are for and he wont be able to sleep if he thought i was in trouble to be honest im speechless at all the help and support ive had of friends and family i know u always say when ur in trouble u know who ur friends are but still im so touched by everything even my 5 year nephew try to give me back his birthday present and told me to take it back as he had loads of toys and didnt need it (think he must of over heard my sister and mum talking mmm )

Aww things are looking up for ya hun, and how cute must your nephew have been :giggle:
hi everyone just wanted to let u know that thanks to a fab dad ive now got a computer and not an old computer but a all singing all dancing one:D

Aww what an amazing Dad you've got, sounds just like mine, I can't count the times he's helped me out in the past. Yay Dad's!!:party0011:

SH - WOW - I want to loose that much. I've got to be a size 20 by next weekend, so cross everything.

I have NO idea how I've managed to lose so much this week. But whatever it is I wish I could bottle it up and send it to everyone:vibes:You'll be fine for the weekend. Looking forward to the fashion show. At least you have a choice, I look like I've stolen my clothes from the nearest scarecrow - I really should buy some new ones.

Well done, I may be a little jealous, but I'm mighty proud of ya too :girlpower:

Thank you :thankyou:. This is so very important to me, I want to get my figure back so desperately and I think this diet was my last resort and I'm giving it 101%. And for the first time ever, I'm doing this for ME!!!

I had another little breakthrough at the gym, I'm finally starting to realise that I look different now. My old personal trainer (who's spent hours and hours trying to help me get fit and lose weight) walked past me and did a double take. He almost fell over when he realised it was me. He said he's so proud of me, and completely approves of CD (and he's got a PHD in Sports Science :character00116:and Nutrition:eat:) Yay!!!!

I hope every has an amazing week!!!! xxx
Hi Guys, just to let ya know, that I've decided to take a wee trip (very short notice, only booked this afternoon) to the UK. My flight into Newcastle is at 6.30 tomorrow morn, and I've hired a car to go see my very good pal Debbiemac (also on this forum) then I'm hoping to meet up with Shelley (also on this forum) on Thursday in Blackpool, we're gonna pretend to be tourists, I fly home Thursday night. Its a very quick stop trip, cuz I needed to grab some time away inbetween my responsibilities.

I don't know where any of you lovely ladies are from (well Shadaca I know is in London :(), but if your along my route between 7.30am tomorrow morn to about 7pm Thursday evening, then I'm sure I could come off at a slip road and meet for coffee :p
Hey my lovely ladies. Well I am drunk so this post is taking longer than it should :party0051: but trying to correct grammar and mistakes as I go.

Got woke up this morning with a text from lifetime mate (but recently new ph which didn't transfer numbers over so wasn't sure who sent text) saying 'not sure if you know but W**dy died in his sleep last night do you have K*ls' #' which is his sister and the mother of my god daughter. Well I just fell apart and started crying and shaking and didn't really know what to do and I'm falling apart now for the first time since then because I just didn't know what else to do except pull it together and go to work and pretend everything was ok.

I've had to duck to the loo for 20 mins about 10 times today and a few peeps have asked if I'm alright but mostly I think I've held it together.

Anyway we had a team drinks tonight because of all the drama in the financial markets lately and our extensive involvement in it. couldn't get out of it cos so many of them sposored me to run this damn half marathon this weekend (I'm in denial will tell you all about after it's finished). So now I'm home and falling apart whilst eating a kebab (minus the carbs) to try and soak up the alcohol (or that's what I'm telling myself... I really just want to eat to feel better and it's not working :cry: but sort of is...)

I'm so sad for my friend and for me and for her family and mine... I just don't know what to do. I'm gonna go to bed and cry till I sleep.

Thankfully my rubbish flatmate has moved out tonight and the nice irish one's moving in tomorrow.

I know this is life and this is what happens I'm just so sad he was 33 and same age as my oldest brother and he had a twin and they were good friends with my brother and we were all neighbours for most of our lives.... I know this is all so unimportant I just feel I need to say it.

I feel so much despair for my friend and hope I don't lose my brothers before I go.... I just don't think I could cope.:cry:

My boss told me he would sponsor me for my run tonight if I start drinking again and start eating the cakes I cook and stop making them fat. Told him I'd rather sponsor myself 10 than work that bl@@dy hard!! But honestly thanked him as none of the guys have mentioned it and said if they stop insisting I come out I'll be back to a 8/10 by Xmas parties and then I'll be back to drinking (minus food obvioulsy.... we can't have it all) and join in the festivities. But only if they make it easier for me to resist the various outings over the next 2/3 months.

OK I'm off to bed and hopefully not feeling so shutty tomorrow.

BB not sure if Newcastle is near London but I'm based at St Paul's tube so if you come into central London I'd love to meet for a black tea/coffee or a shared tetra! Let me know if you do and we'll try and co-ord sha also and anyone else who can make it.

I'm about to start guzzling water and eek out my packs until Thurs evening to try and remove this hideous kebab belly..... oh f*ck. Will keep the faith.
Hey my lovely ladies. Well I am drunk so this post is taking longer than it should :party0051: but trying to correct grammar and mistakes as I go.

Got woke up this morning with a text from lifetime mate (but recently new ph which didn't transfer numbers over so wasn't sure who sent text) saying 'not sure if you know but W**dy died in his sleep last night do you have K*ls' #' which is his sister and the mother of my god daughter. Well I just fell apart and started crying and shaking and didn't really know what to do and I'm falling apart now for the first time since then because I just didn't know what else to do except pull it together and go to work and pretend everything was ok.

I've had to duck to the loo for 20 mins about 10 times today and a few peeps have asked if I'm alright but mostly I think I've held it together.

Anyway we had a team drinks tonight because of all the drama in the financial markets lately and our extensive involvement in it. couldn't get out of it cos so many of them sposored me to run this damn half marathon this weekend (I'm in denial will tell you all about after it's finished). So now I'm home and falling apart whilst eating a kebab (minus the carbs) to try and soak up the alcohol (or that's what I'm telling myself... I really just want to eat to feel better and it's not working :cry: but sort of is...)

I'm so sad for my friend and for me and for her family and mine... I just don't know what to do. I'm gonna go to bed and cry till I sleep.

Thankfully my rubbish flatmate has moved out tonight and the nice irish one's moving in tomorrow.

I know this is life and this is what happens I'm just so sad he was 33 and same age as my oldest brother and he had a twin and they were good friends with my brother and we were all neighbours for most of our lives.... I know this is all so unimportant I just feel I need to say it.

I feel so much despair for my friend and hope I don't lose my brothers before I go.... I just don't think I could cope.:cry:

My boss told me he would sponsor me for my run tonight if I start drinking again and start eating the cakes I cook and stop making them fat. Told him I'd rather sponsor myself 10 than work that bl@@dy hard!! But honestly thanked him as none of the guys have mentioned it and said if they stop insisting I come out I'll be back to a 8/10 by Xmas parties and then I'll be back to drinking (minus food obvioulsy.... we can't have it all) and join in the festivities. But only if they make it easier for me to resist the various outings over the next 2/3 months.

OK I'm off to bed and hopefully not feeling so shutty tomorrow.

BB not sure if Newcastle is near London but I'm based at St Paul's tube so if you come into central London I'd love to meet for a black tea/coffee or a shared tetra! Let me know if you do and we'll try and co-ord sha also and anyone else who can make it.

I'm about to start guzzling water and eek out my packs until Thurs evening to try and remove this hideous kebab belly..... oh f*ck. Will keep the faith.

Aww, SAC, I'm real sorry to hear about your friend passing, you did real well to go into work and cope as well as you did :gen126: dealing with death is always so hard, we look around at our loved ones and want to pull them closer to us, thats perfectly natural.

Your post is both sad and funny, love the reference to the nice Irish flat mate (well I would wouldn't I ;)) plus I'm pretty sure that Newcastle (upon Tyne) geordie land is defo nowhere near London, but it made me laugh at how sweet you were to invite me to meet up with yourself and Shadaca :giggle: for a coffee, I just AAroadwatched it, and its approx 290miles or a 5+hr drive :giggle: maybe next time eh!

Drink loads of water, and don't worry about that kebab belly, its just not there ;)
Hi Guys, just to let ya know, that I've decided to take a wee trip (very short notice, only booked this afternoon) to the UK. My flight into Newcastle is at 6.30 tomorrow morn, and I've hired a car to go see my very good pal Debbiemac (also on this forum) then I'm hoping to meet up with Shelley (also on this forum) on Thursday in Blackpool, we're gonna pretend to be tourists, I fly home Thursday night. Its a very quick stop trip, cuz I needed to grab some time away inbetween my responsibilities.

I don't know where any of you lovely ladies are from (well Shadaca I know is in London :(), but if your along my route between 7.30am tomorrow morn to about 7pm Thursday evening, then I'm sure I could come off at a slip road and meet for coffee :p

hi BB i live in newcastle but think ive missed u and ull be on ur way to blackpool but have a great time and hopefully see u next time xx
Thanks BB, your post made me feel better. I love irish people!!

I ended up eating the bread part of the kebab last night but remain in ketosis today thank god... I'm aware that's just pure luck though so won't be attempting it again. I have accepted the scales may not be kind tomorrow and just moving forward. It's exactly 3 weeks till I get off the plane at home so really it's all focussed attention for the next 3 weeks. Would like to at least lose another stone which should be possible if I excercise also and behave. I'm really tempted to not weigh-in this week to avoid the demoralising aspect... I know I might also be surprised though so in 2 minds.

Gosh what's a girl to do.
hi BB i live in newcastle but think ive missed u and ull be on ur way to blackpool but have a great time and hopefully see u next time xx

:giggle: I'm logged in as Debbie, but its ME.......LILY :giggle:

Hi DD, the Blackpool part of my trip seems to have fallen by the wayside :eek: so if your about tomorrow (late afternoon/evening) I'd love to meet with ya, myself and Debbie are just chilling now, we might be going in the pool in a little while, I've not much chance to be online but I'll check back later tonight or tomorrow, no pressure its just I'm not in this neck of the woods often (t'is over a year since I was last up in de UK)

Hope everyone is doing well, believe it or not I'm staying strong in program, and I'm thrilled with myself
:giggle: I'm logged in as Debbie, but its ME.......LILY :giggle:

Hi DD, the Blackpool part of my trip seems to have fallen by the wayside :eek: so if your about tomorrow (late afternoon/evening) I'd love to meet with ya, myself and Debbie are just chilling now, we might be going in the pool in a little while, I've not much chance to be online but I'll check back later tonight or tomorrow, no pressure its just I'm not in this neck of the woods often (t'is over a year since I was last up in de UK)

Hope everyone is doing well, believe it or not I'm staying strong in program, and I'm thrilled with myself

We logged Debbie out and I've logged in to prove that was me posting :giggle: man oh man am I tired, stayed up all last night, travelled most of today, and finally managed to sneak a quick 30min nap in at 6pm tonight, but i'm having a great time, and am really glad i came. Still got over 24hrs of my worldwind trip, so who knows what i'll get up to :giggle: as long as I don't break my diet, i'll be a happy woman, and so far so good.