Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 - Official Thread :o))))

Aw thanks hun! I actually hope I stop losing weight off my face now and start losing it elsewhere cos I don't want it to get any thinner. Wow never thought I'd say that!!:eek:

I'm a bit the same with my flavours, I've gone from getting every flavour there is to sticking to choc tetras and choc mint shakes. I can't stomache the soup anymore. The rest of the shakes are just not nice enough. I do like the Mix a mousse trifle though, it just adds a bit of variety to an otherwise chocolatey day.:giggle:
SH i agree with BB ur hair looks fab and ur face so slim wish mine was ( will be some day)

im the same its got to be chocolate mint shakes for me i can have the others but i love this one i have it cold, hot and as a mix a mousse everyone thinks im mad as its the only flavour i have think i would get sick of it but its soooooooo nice mmm

well things ok here just getting on with it will see what weight in brings tomorrow

hope everyone else ok oh have we heard anything from chalack yet she been missing awhile now
SH i agree with BB ur hair looks fab and ur face so slim wish mine was ( will be some day)
It certainly will be hun, don't you worry:D. It's taking some getting used to, especially with my new hair colour (which is very close to my natural colour:rolleyes:). I keep ahving to double take when I catch myself in the mirror. I look like I did when I was 18 (but with a few creases :giggle:). I can't believe the difference in such a short time.

The really good news is that my weight loss seems to be inspiring the people that I work with:eek:. 2 of my colleagues have started doing CD now too - I'm really pleased for them because for me CD has been the answer to my prayers, my magic pill. I just hope they can stick it out through that first horrible week.

I've just been watching a programme on BBC 1 about the Great North Air Ambulance, which features the hospital where I work. I avoided the camera's at all costs while they were filming it, because I was too fat and embarrassed:ashamed0005:. But I wish I was as confident then as I'm getting to be now, because I think I missed a great opportunity. It's really strange seeing my colleagues on tv. Knowing that what they show on tv is only a tiny bit of the real picture. :rolleyes: Ah well that was a little bit off the weight loss topic but it was a bit of a surreal moment for me - sitting in my M&D's living room looking at my workplace on tv. I was kinda thinking 'Oh my god that's my's important to people!' Yep, I know I probably sound insane.:rotflmao:
Hey Surfy, what channel was the program on, I'd love to have seen it, maybe it'll be repeated ??
It was called Air Medics and it was on BBC1. Do you have that in Ireland? I think it's a series so it'll be on at 8 every Wed. Might be able to see it on line. Will have a look for you. Ah boo, it's not available on i-player on line.
It was called Air Medics and it was on BBC1. Do you have that in Ireland? I think it's a series so it'll be on at 8 every Wed. Might be able to see it on line. Will have a look for you. Ah boo, it's not available on i-player on line.

yep we've got Sky satellite over here so we have all the english channels, even on terrestrial TV we get the BBC's ITV and Channel 4. I'll keep an eye out for it, no point me looking for it online thats when I get the warning messages saying this broadcast is not available in your area :mad::p technology, it knows where we are ;)
Oh cool, I work at the James Cook University hospital in Teesside, so it's the Teesside air ambulance you need to look out for. You won't see me tho...It's amazing what else can be found to do when there's a tv camera in the room. lol.
Oh cool, I work at the James Cook University hospital in Teesside, so it's the Teesside air ambulance you need to look out for. You won't see me tho...It's amazing what else can be found to do when there's a tv camera in the room. lol.

I'd be the same meself, if truth be told :giggle:
Hey folks!

What a day - first of all lets get the diet bit out of the way!

This week I stayed the same as i did last time I weighed in -which was 2 weeks ago.


But - I have got to the final 14 of Miss Gay UK which is very very exciting. It's down to the public vote now - so if you are feeling generous please give me your vote.

It costs 60p which goes to help starving orphan lesbian pandas or something worthwile. All you have to do is go to the website and text or call in...

Peoples Choice 2008

or text Sharon Calcutt to 84205 And maybe I'll win! (I'm second at the moment - at this stage it is all about who can convince the most friends to vote for them!)

Also I got a job! I start on friday on Tour with an Oscar Wilde play - have no idea how the diet is going to work on tour - butI'm going to make it.

Went to see french and saunders - they are so funny!
Hey Shadaca, I tried voting from Ireland but the number just beeps out on both my landline and mobile :cry:and I won't be able to text that short code number either :cry: not fair seen as it says UK&Ireland.

What did you have to do to get into the top 14, well top 10 seen as your number is 9 :giggle:

Congrats on the job, wow its all good news today :grouphugg:
aww- I shall find out what is going on - thank you for your thought of voting.

Also I've not heard from the people that I'm meant to be working with tommorrow - i don;t know any info like where and when and i can't get hold of anyone.

It sucks! i don't know what to do.
Shads you got my vote hun, what happens if you win? Do you become a big celebrity or get a prize? Hope your job gets sorted tomorrow!! It's a bit unprofessional of them not to get everything sorted out and let you know.
hi everyone hope ur all well and shad i voted for u

been for wiegh in and ive lost 10lbs woohoo so pleased

last week 305
this week 295
total 10lbs

im so pleased feel like something going right for once well cant stay long need togo to bed so busy not having alot of time to chat will catch up this weekend oh has anyone heard from chalacks yet she seems to have been missing ages or is it just me?
hi everyone hope ur all well and shad i voted for u

been for wiegh in and ive lost 10lbs woohoo so pleased

last week 305
this week 295
total 10lbs

im so pleased feel like something going right for once well cant stay long need togo to bed so busy not having alot of time to chat will catch up this weekend oh has anyone heard from chalacks yet she seems to have been missing ages or is it just me?

Wow, another 10lbs is fantastic, AND YOUR IN THE 200's :wow: Well Done :bliss: me thinks your in the running for another star this week missus.

We've not had a score from Chalack in the past four weeks, she never turned up last week at all :eek:, I did send her a PM about two weeks ago, but she never replied :eek: I hope shes ok :gen126:

All but Chalacks scores are in now but I'll post them tomorrow I'm tired now and about to go to bed ;)
Thanks for your votes guys!

I want to rock out on this, just to prove that big girls can be role models too.

Well done DD - that is amazing!

SH - thankyou! I got hold of them in the end - and they don't need me tomorrow, which is a relief as I am nowhere near packed, so I am awaiting further instructions.

I have to make a months worth of order, I don't know what I'll fancy in a week, let alone a month!

kisses all round!
Greetings from Brisbane my lovelies!! I know I wasn't going to but my mums mate has these great shiny perfect scales and I couldn't resist!!

Last Week: 167
This week: 165
Loss: 2

Bl**dy stoked! Still behaving as planned. Got a spray tan today and looking very brown! About to head over to the Island in a few hours and off to the wedding tomorrow! Yay.

Hope my chicks are all well. Sha - not sure if I can vote for you from here but off to check if I can - I hope you win!

DD - marvelous losses your getting - you're on a roll now hun!

I obviously won't be able to stay off here the whole holiday so you'll probably hear from me again at some stage!
Wow SaC, in my mind you win the prize for dedication, weighing in whilst on hols :giggle: its great to see ya :p

But this weeks
prize goes to our very own Doubledumplings who for a second week in a row is knocking the rest of us out of the water with her fantastic losses :happy096:

Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 (Week 10)

BBlilsis- 192.5 to 191.5 = -1 = -0.52%

Chalack- 266 to ? = -0= 0 %
W4 (no score since wk6??)

Doubledumpling- 305 to 295 = -10 = -3.28%

Shadaca- 226 to 226 = -0 = -0%

Sleekandclean- 167 to 165 = -2 = -1.20%
Surfhunny- 186 to 183 = -3 = -1.61%

Team total so far - 1342.5 to 1326.5 = -16 = - 1.19%
WOOHOOO i won another star woohoo

i cant believe im losing the weight if the truth be told i think for once in my life im doing it for me and no one else and im so busy dont have time to think about cheating which is great.

i think we might need to start looking for a new team member dont want to sound mean but chalack hasnt been around in a while and not weigh in for 4 weeks either i just dont think its fair in the competions if we re only putting 5 results a week in when rest are putting 6 in?? what do u all think ? its not that i want to lose her and i hope she ok. mmm just dont know