Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 - Official Thread :o))))

I really hope so! just webcammed outfits to an ex, and she nearly fell off her chair - I don't think i've changed that much but she can certainly tell the difference which is nice.

I just hope we get wow factor tomorrow. I'm also a bit concerned that he knows me better than what I look like so he won't notice I'm looking fab. I'm also nervous I won't have anything to say, or too much to say, or just will be really awkward.
:bliss:I DID IT, I DID IT, I DID IT!!!!!!!!!! I GOT THE JOB WOO HOO! I'm sooo happy! I'd managed to make myself sick worrying about it before my interview, but I went in and sat down and this kind of calm came over me. It was a really tough interview, but the answers just came from somewhere (dunno where mind). I was only in there 10 mins - everyone else was in longer than the allocated 20 mins... But in the feedback after they said it was because they didn't have to prompt me, and my answers were spot on. I have no idea how I pulled it off, but who am I to argue.

Tonight I really wanted to celebrate with a nice meal out with my parents, but I had my cranberry bar and a glass of water instead:sigh:. Ah well, NYC is a mere 5 sleeps away. Might as well keep going until then.

Lins, Wayne sounds soooo lovely. Glad you've found the right man!! We'll get you looking amazing in your wedding dress, we'll :whoopass:until you get there!! It's worked for me. I really could not have done it without everyone on this website, especially our little team. Like BB says, take baby steps, minute by minute, hour by hour! When I first started I thought that the end seem too far away, so I didn't think about it. I thought about reaching the end of the day...then the end of the week. And eventually the weeks mount up and the lbs disappear. YOU WILL MAKE IT - you have to, you've got a lovely man to marry at your dream wedding!!

Shads - good luck with this man. I know what you mean about having to have someone back in your life, I haven't got my someone's phone number anymore:cry:, I thought I might've seen him again at the conference I went to last month, but he didn't go boo. I really want him to see the me that I have become, cos I think he'll be amazed (I certainly am). Let us know how you get on!

RG, I still get a bit of paranoia that people are being 'fatist' about me:mad:. I guess I'll stop eventually, but I think when you've felt that way for a long time, it takes time for things to change. Well done for going out there and joining in, I'd have probably stayed in my room cursing, lol:badmood:.

DD, some flowers :flowers:to make you feel better, I know it'll take more than these, but hope they make you smile!

Lil, shouting down the corridor definitely appeared to work lol, I might give it a go when it gets quiet around here. Hope you're starting to feel better too!!!:wavey:

I've just added a photo my Mum took of me on her mobile, in my interview clothes. I can't believe this is actually me, I'm worried I'm starting to look like a lollypop head - that'll all change once I've been to NY lol!


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I spent 20 minutes not posting congratulations, as it was mean before you went public...


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! - So you have to tell us all about your new job, photo looks excellent btw.

My fattest story ~ one of our asms was sick last week so we had to send her home, meaning I had to do the scene change during the interval, which is fine. One of the actors is always hanging out due to boredom and cramped dressing rooms, and he usually calls the beautiful Emily 'Big Fat Slag' out of affection and irony, cos she is lovely and thin and beautiful. I walked past him and he said the same to me ~ but because he doesn't see me as hugely fat he didn't think anything of it, however before I realised it I rounded on him, he was mortified. People are beginning to respond to me alot differently. And I'm glad I'm now in the sector of people that can be called big and fat, because they aren't really!

Bless him!
I know what you mean, I was in theatre (dif type to yours mind lol) a while back when one of the blokes was talking about how if you're desperate for a sh*g to pull a fat woman cos she'll be waiting for you at the end of the night. I know men had warped logic, but this took the biscuit. I said I didn't know how he could say that esp when I was in the room, a fat woman. I was about 16st at the time. And he looked at me and said the only reason I should be offended was because I was a woman. In a weird way i felt quite good, cos he wasn't including me in his category of easy sh*gs. Maybe I am just crackers.

New job is just really a promotion, it does mean that I'm going to be performing minor operations when I'm trained, which is slightly scarey but it's a good challenge and I can't wait to get started, but it won't be til I come back from New York.
Not crackers! It's nice to not be fat - even when you think you are. I'm FAR from thin so far, but my headspace is changing slowly but surely.

:bliss:I DID IT, I DID IT, I DID IT!!!!!!!!!! I GOT THE JOB WOO HOO! I'm sooo happy! I'd managed to make myself sick worrying about it before my interview, but I went in and sat down and this kind of calm came over me. It was a really tough interview, but the answers just came from somewhere (dunno where mind). I was only in there 10 mins - everyone else was in longer than the allocated 20 mins... But in the feedback after they said it was because they didn't have to prompt me, and my answers were spot on. I have no idea how I pulled it off, but who am I to argue.

Tonight I really wanted to celebrate with a nice meal out with my parents, but I had my cranberry bar and a glass of water instead:sigh:. Ah well, NYC is a mere 5 sleeps away. Might as well keep going until then.

Lins, Wayne sounds soooo lovely. Glad you've found the right man!! We'll get you looking amazing in your wedding dress, we'll :whoopass:until you get there!! It's worked for me. I really could not have done it without everyone on this website, especially our little team. Like BB says, take baby steps, minute by minute, hour by hour! When I first started I thought that the end seem too far away, so I didn't think about it. I thought about reaching the end of the day...then the end of the week. And eventually the weeks mount up and the lbs disappear. YOU WILL MAKE IT - you have to, you've got a lovely man to marry at your dream wedding!!

Shads - good luck with this man. I know what you mean about having to have someone back in your life, I haven't got my someone's phone number anymore:cry:, I thought I might've seen him again at the conference I went to last month, but he didn't go boo. I really want him to see the me that I have become, cos I think he'll be amazed (I certainly am). Let us know how you get on!

RG, I still get a bit of paranoia that people are being 'fatist' about me:mad:. I guess I'll stop eventually, but I think when you've felt that way for a long time, it takes time for things to change. Well done for going out there and joining in, I'd have probably stayed in my room cursing, lol:badmood:.

DD, some flowers :flowers:to make you feel better, I know it'll take more than these, but hope they make you smile!

Lil, shouting down the corridor definitely appeared to work lol, I might give it a go when it gets quiet around here. Hope you're starting to feel better too!!!:wavey:

I've just added a photo my Mum took of me on her mobile, in my interview clothes. I can't believe this is actually me, I'm worried I'm starting to look like a lollypop head - that'll all change once I've been to NY lol!

OMG - How amazing do you look on you pic!!
I'm soooooo not
Mega congrats on your job - I am so pleased for you.
Shads - That's what takes the time, I got a shock when I saw that photo. I'm normal sized now. I can't believe it. I still feel fat. But the fat part of my brain is finally catching up with more normal body. It's a brilliant feeling. I love it!! I don't have any crazy ideas about getting down to size tiny but I'm happy being 12-14 (although now I'm 14, I should be a 12 when I get rid of these last 10lbs and if I'm not.... not a problem.) I'm happy now. The old Sally is back and the hideous fat Sally with no self confidence has been left far behind (she was a miserable sulky girl, lol).

Thanks Lins, that photo has just brough it all home to me, as you can prob tell by what I've written above. Still can't believe it's me.
Right girls, I'm off to bed, barely slept a wink last night so I'm absolutely shattered now. Lins you can get through tomorrow hun, just keep thinking about that wedding!!!! Will check back in tomorrow night to see how your day went. From now on, I'm gonna be your personal motivation squad!!!

Nighty night kids xxx

Right girls, I'm off to bed, barely slept a wink last night so I'm absolutely shattered now. Lins you can get through tomorrow hun, just keep thinking about that wedding!!!! Will check back in tomorrow night to see how your day went. From now on, I'm gonna be your personal motivation squad!!!

Thanks........I need it!!
I just looked at the clock too. I better say night night 'cos I have got loads to do before my head can hit the pillow.

I will be fine, will keep myself busy and try not to think about it. Going swimming and the gym tomorrow. TTFN xxx
Night night ladies - I guess I should be off to get my beauty sleep too now!

Have a lovely day tomorrow, and I'll tell you how it all goes

Mwahs all round
:giggle: trust me to make it to the thread, when you lot are all slinking off to bed, OMG so much to read over, I quickly scanned

Surf, big congrats on the job and :wow: missus you look absolutely fabulous in that photo.

Lins, good idea getting weighed, start with a new slate, and your boyfriend sounds absolutely lovely :)giggle: i'm gonna have to get another word instead of absolutely :giggle:)

Shadaca, I missed out the chance to see how sh!t hot you looked this evening, hopefully we'll be on msn same time real soon ;)

ok now i got to go back and read in detail, cuz thats what my speed reading highlighted to me, plus seen as I'm off work these days, i'll not be going to bed anytime soon :p
OK well seeing as weigh-ins don't matter then I'm back as an honorary 8 team member. Sha - so pleased for all the loving going on right now and have to say my favourite is the brown dress too... it is stunningly simple and gorgeous - will look great on you.

I've just got back from first xmas party of the season and all happy jolly lala - but blo*dy cold so off to bed. will be a more frequent popper inner from now on.... so be good girlies!
OK well seeing as weigh-ins don't matter then I'm back as an honorary 8 team member. Sha - so pleased for all the loving going on right now and have to say my favourite is the brown dress too... it is stunningly simple and gorgeous - will look great on you.

I've just got back from first xmas party of the season and all happy jolly lala - but blo*dy cold so off to bed. will be a more frequent popper inner from now on.... so be good girlies!

:bliss: I'm glad you finally came to your senses and came back to us :grouphugg: we never wanted you to leave in the first place :giggle: looking forward to talking to ya again soon :p
S&C ~ your back!!!


Lil, I'll be prancing round getting ready to go out later, so if you are online I'll cam you a bit of love.

That goes for anyone else too, if you want to see add me to msn [email protected] and I'll be doing a fashion show at about 5ish.
awww can't believe I missed the fashion show! Did you record it?! I was out at a gig for an Irish band called The Script - they were amazing.

Thanks for the welcome back girlies. It feels good. Lil - you've done well to keep the team going for so long! Great job.

S'hunny - you look fabulous and it sounds like life is just toodling along nicely which is excellent.

See you all again really soon - mwah
Just checking in...

Still alive, had a lovely lovely time, he is gay now, so nothing more than friendship, but it was really really good to catch up.

awww can't believe I missed the fashion show! Did you record it?! I was out at a gig for an Irish band called The Script - they were amazing.
I love The Script, they're gonna be big, I'd love to go see them at a gig.

Thanks for the welcome back girlies. It feels good. Lil - you've done well to keep the team going for so long! Great job.
:giggle: the team keeps itself going, Shadaca,Surfhunny and DD deserve kudos too :gen126:
S'hunny - you look fabulous and it sounds like life is just toodling along nicely which is excellent.

See you all again really soon - mwah
Do you want me to put you back on the scores, are you tracking your losses at the moment, or are you at goal ;)

Just checking in...

Still alive, had a lovely lovely time, he is gay now, so nothing more than friendship, but it was really really good to catch up.

Aww Shadaca, great to hear you had a lovely time...boy thats his loss, you looked really great going out last night :p

I'm lying in my bed with lecky blanket on, house needs to heat up before I move downstairs :p
I am a little bit gutted, but still, he is a lovely guy, and I'm so glad to have him back on side. I did get a wow from him which made mefeel fabulous.

I am very dehydrated so I'll do my weigh in Once I've drunk something - at the moment it wont be accurate. I got quite drunk last night and didn't buy a single drink. He's good like that.

He has also invited me round for shrek and chinese soon, which will be nice, so I need to plan carefully!


Thank you all for being so supportive, it really does count for alot. He was such a big part of my life last night was soooo hard for me, and I couldn't have done it without you.

I have just painted my nails for the first time in years. Hurrah!
OK, so I'm not good at painting my nails. It's all gone horribly wrong and I seem to have painted everything else.

Anyway - Happy weigh in day, so

Last week 210
This week 206
Loss 4

Awww Shadaca, hope you got your nails looking gorge in the end, it'll get easier with practise, one of the secrets is to make sure you leave loads of time for each coating to dry before touching anything (its a patience game :giggle:) but your hands will look all girly when finished :p