Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 - Official Thread :o))))

My apologies...I had asked if you still had any spare spaces but since then...I have joined another of luck to you all :)

Hi Fraggle, i'm sorry we seem to have missed your request, good luck on your new team :p
Hi All,

Shads Loving the SNOW!!!! there's not too much of it in the West Country but it looks so pretty. Am a bit jealous of the rest of the country as our snow is a bit pathetic in comparison!

SH Glad you had a really good night out - That is the one thing I am really missing at the mo but just keep telling myself it is only a few months and it is well worth it.

Catsseyes - sorry to hear about dancing on ice you must have been well gutted!

BB I'm getting married a month after Catsseyes (My wedding date is 5th Sep) - Catsseyes - I still have so much to do - I did go and have a look at a few wedding dresses at the weekend but have been told by that shop I can wait until mid March to choose my dress - going to a wedding fair in a couple of weeks to hopefully get some more inspiration.

Weight last week - 199lbs
Weight this week - 196lbs
Loss this week = 3lbs

Am so excited about AAM week gonna have Quorn mince with a little cajun seasoning mixed with the spicy tom pack with a little shredded lettuce and dry fried courgettes - YUM YUM!
More Snow!

I love snow! Yesterday my day of madness and being important was a wash out, everything cancelled except the interview, which went ok, but I think I always sound silly in interviews. They also want to do a score reading test to see if I'm lying on my cv (which I'm not phased by, I went to music college, so shouldn't be a problem) I just think that is a bit untrusting and mean.

What other things... Dreading weigh in this week - the mysterious 5 lbs didn't just drop off, I'm working my way back down them now.

Also a place that I was going to look round emailed me to say a friend had taken the room, but it was readvertised this morning. Do you think I should email them, or do you think that they hated me, and were trying to be nice? I thought we were happily chatting away, I don't think I said anything!

What do you think? I don't want to come accross scary stalker!

What are you all doing today? I'm going to play with professor Layton!

(Just to say all you recent teamies... please feel free to add me on msn!)
Hi everyone, just to let you know that I put on 2lbs after my Friday night out, which was well worth it I think. I won't be about much over this next few days cos I was in a car accident last night, I'm okay, but my neck and shoulders hurt, which makes sitting at the computer uncomfortable. I'll be back soon though. xxx

Last week: 170.5lbs
this week:172.5lbs
Hope you're ok SurfHunny!!!

Shadaca: I don't know what to suggest- maybe email them and say you'd noticed the room has been advertised again and is it a mistake or is it back on the market? That gives them the chance to say, no it's a mistake or whatever.
What a nightmare!

I've got weigh in tomorrow- I have been 100% SS, but it's that time of the month, and weight doesn't seem to be coming off. Scales seem to have stuck all week. Will be right gutted with a STS, so fingers crossed for me...!
Hope all is well and you don't get disrupted too much with the snow we're meant to get tomorrow!
Bye for

I would not contact them again - If they didn't realise what a great housemate you woule be the 1st time around then stuff them - it's their loss!

SH hope you're doing ok - make sure you have a good rest

Cateeeyes good luck with your weigh in

We woke up to about 6 inches of snow!!! - love it had to postpone my 4 meetings today about 30 miles away - so gonna have a walk to the shops with Luke to stock up on supplies and throw a few snowballs - love it

Just had weigh in... lost 3.5lb
Not bad due to TOTM. Roll on next week!
Congrats to ________________, Week FIVE's STAR

Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 (Week 5)

BBlilsis - 189.5 to 186.5 = -3 = -1.58%
Catsseyes - 219 to 215.5 = - 3.5 = -1.60%

Lisa Lashes - 199 to 196 = -3 = -1.51%

Shadaca - 197.5 to ??? = -??? = -???%
Surfhunny - 170.5 to 172.5 = -1.17%

Vacancy - ??? to ??? = -??? = -???%

Team total so far -975.5 to 968 = -7.5 = - 0.77%

individual team winner,
individual challenge winner)
Last edited:
Ah pants!

I'm a day behind folks - I'll weigh in in the morning :eek:)

Only cos I didn't wake up in my own bed this morning!!!! teehee

Mwah till tomorrow!
Right then...

Last week 197.5lbs
This week 195lbs
Lost 2.5lbs
Well done Shadaca! It's blinking frrrreezing here. I am so cold, I've taken to jumping around the kitchen to keep warm.
Helen x

Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 (Week 5)

BBlilsis - 189.5 to 186.5 = -3 = -1.58%
Catsseyes - 219 to 215.5 = - 3.5 = -1.60%

Lisa Lashes - 199 to 196 = -3 = -1.51%

Shadaca - 197.5 to 195 = -2.5 = -1.27%
Surfhunny - 170.5 to 172.5 = +2.5 = +1.17%

Vacancy - ??? to ??? = -??? = -???%

Team total so far -975.5 to 965.5= -10 = - 1.03%

individual team winner,
individual challenge winner)
Aww yay! That's cheered me up as I was sat in the kitchen having my porridge while Jamie and Hollie chomped on pizza and chips, feeling very sorry for myself.
Must be the weather but I am STARVING! I could quite easily eat a whole loaf of bread (toasted with butter)! But I won't cos I am week 5's star. Lol!
Anyone else starving?
Aww yay! That's cheered me up as I was sat in the kitchen having my porridge while Jamie and Hollie chomped on pizza and chips, feeling very sorry for myself.
Must be the weather but I am STARVING! I could quite easily eat a whole loaf of bread (toasted with butter)! But I won't cos I am week 5's star. Lol!
Anyone else starving?

congrats on the star, you deserve it :p

i'm not so much starving as craving :giggle: but i'll not give in :p
congrats on the star, you deserve it :p

i'm not so much starving as craving :giggle: but i'll not give in :p

Now you come to mention it, I'm not actually hungry, so it's probably just craving. It must be the boredom.
I do like to pretend I've had all the naughty things I would like during the day!
Today I have 'had' scrambled egg on toast with ketchup, pizza, cadbury's chocolate fingers and a packet of hula hoops. Scary thing is, I wouldn't have thought twice about having all that, and more a few weeks ago!:(
Happy Sunday folks!

I spent yest at my first rehearsal, we managed to fit in 2 runs of the first show, and one of the second. It's going to be good, but lots of work to do.

My team are absolutely lovely, which is a huge relief, it is always a bit draining to have a weak link, but luckily they are all fab and fun and majorly talented, so all is good.

In other news, I'm not drinking enough water!

How you guys doing with your weekends?

Snow melted yet? We still have a layer here, but blazing sunshine, so probably won't last.
Do do doo dooo, doo be dooo dooo dooo dooooo....

I'm Siiiiiiinging in the rain, just siiiiinging in the rain!

Hope you are all warm and dry wherever you are.
Hi All,

The weather is still crazy round here - In Bath just lots of rain & floods - but 8 miles up the road where I work still loads of snow!!

Weigh in results this week

Last week - 196lbs
This week - 193lbs
Loss this week - 3lbs :happy036:

Really pleased as this was AAM week and I'm 3lbs off the 2 stone mark so hopefully next week I will be reporting that I have lost a total of 2 stone in 6 weeks and will be half way there!
Hope you're all having a good week
Morning All, soz i've been a bit absent on the team thread, I usually ignore my own diary for this thread or vice versa, and I guess my diary is getting the attention this last week or so :eek:

Lisa, well done, your consistently doing fantastic, i'm chuffed for ya, its great to see the scales move down all the time :wee:

Shadaca, soz for leaving ya sinnngggiiiinnnnnnggg in the rain by yourself yesterday, i've got to admit, i read it yesterday, sang the rest of the verse in me head, but forgot to actually reply here :eek: :giggle: see I'm singing it again in my head.

Todays lyrics from me are "I'm walking On Sunshine, yeee haaa, and don't it feel good ;)"

Hope everyone else is flying high too....mmm we're still a member short, somebody out there is missing our words of wisdom :giggle:

If we build it, they will come :p