Lover of Extra Easy
Wow! well done! you can be our ee guru! lol x
LOL.. Not a guru but will gladly help anyone whenever I can!
Wow! well done! you can be our ee guru! lol x
Well, I put 0.5lb on this week
Think I was being a bit blasé about my milk, so I'm going to make sure I measure everything that needs it out this week.
Am also going to try and stick to 10 Syns a day - 15 obviously aren't working for me!
Thanks McG!!
Trying to keep positive - it's only week 3 this week so I'm going to stick to 100% this week!
Hi everyone! I did SW years ago.. so EE is all new to me. I have really enjoyed my first week and haven’t felt hungry at all. In fact I would say I have eaten more this week than I would normally eat (but instead of fatty, sugary foods, I have filled up on loads of fruit and veg). As long as I plan, make the time to cook and find different recipes I should do ok!
I cannot stop urinating though! I was up about 4 times last night! Weigh in tonight, so I will let you know how I got on.
Thanks for the recipes and meal ideas. What is superfree museli? I need ideas for quick breakfasts that don’t take up all my HE.
Thanks everyone you are great inspiration!
Just had my first weigh in and have lost 4lb! I am very happy with that!
If it's ok with all of you, I'd like to join the Easy TeamI'm a big fan of Extra Easy although I do have green days sometimes, but that's just a throw back to doing SW years ago. I got so used to not eating meat, that I only eat it a little bit in the week.
I'm doing the plan online (bodyoptimise) as they don't have classes here in Australia - see it's not perfect here eh- and it rains lots!