Heh, thanks ladies. I didnt realise that I liked fish, this has been a revelation! Whether or not I still like it after eating it for another full week... we shall see! But a fish curry the night before weigh in certainly helps to bring "cleansing" results!!
This week, I am also, in partnership with a full fish week, doing the Scan Bran challenge. 5 pieces of cardboard per day, for a full week. I must be mad. Consultant said last time someone did that, in another group, the results were so good that the Consultant ran out of Scan Bran the following week because everyone bought a weeks supply!
For non Slimming Worlders, Scan Bran is like Ryvita, (the dark rye version) but smaller, and chewier, and drier. You can however make it into cakes. I am planning to have mine for lunch with tuna on, I think.