Step away from the chocolate fingers! Ooooh, that doesn't sound right, does it LOL?
My previous CDC was really hacked off because CWP were also setting more consultants up in her area, sponsored by other consultants from outside her area, and she was seeing a drop in her turnover (she had quite a solid area without much competition). Once that happened, I noticed that her interest started to drop, and that's when I decided that I could do it on my own.... silly billy me :sigh: I guess it's horses for courses, personally I didn't like the whole LL navel gazing thing. When I went for the taster, the consultant seemed almost disappointed that I had no big trauma in my life that had caused me to become fat - it's nothing more dramatic that having PCOS, stopping running and going to the gym due to a bad back and a demanding job, and still eating as if I am exercising for 90 mins every night. Oh, and a big liking for a glass of wine in the evenings
She was almost demanding some sort of soul baring, which just isn't me, but I could see that it would work for some people.
So how has everybody been today? I've had a good day, until I was walking the dog and a couple walked past me, munching on fish n chips. Oh the smell... now I'm really craving chips with salt n vinegar :sigh: I put the car straight into the garage and locked the door when we got back because I know I could be seriously tempted, and I somehow don't think my choc mint shake will quite hit the spot.