I STS. I suppose I know why- within syns all week but i'd be lying if I said i'd had 1/3 superfree all week. Also, had that chinese and then v-day. GAH!!

Oh well x
Just seen in the ww thread and thought it was a good idea,does anyone fancy doing the race for life in liverpool? Maybe we could have a Team Scouse lol x
When is it?? I suppose it's one way to get my bum off the couch!
im already doing it at haydock on the 18th June :)
a sts isn't too bad considering eh? we'll get some nice losses next week hopefully :)
1 and 1/2 on not great but I felt like I'd put on! Oh well least I went to group was going to chicken out back on track and it'll be off next week fingers crossed! X
acc said:
Just seen in the ww thread and thought it was a good idea,does anyone fancy doing the race for life in liverpool? Maybe we could have a Team Scouse lol x

I always think about doing this, I might have to join you want to start the couch to 5k thing really need to up my exercise!
Have c to 5 k app,will need to start doon,not much of a runner!:-S will need all the practice I can get,will be better now the nights are lighter
what i meant was- i'm doing it at haydock- if anyone wants to join me- i'm doing it with another sw girly- it could be a nice sw day out at Haydock ;)
Hello peeps, am sorry that I am so crap! Have been job hunting so have not been frequenting forums and the like.

The meal reservation for the 25th Feb is for 2.45pm - and it now cannot be changed as all the timeslots have gone. The only date that is free all lunchtime is Tuesday 28th. Other dates are also fully booked up.

What do you want to do?
Tis up to Flutterby, I can still make that time but I couldn't make Tuesday :(

Only other suggestion is that we meet at half 12 then we can all get off straight after the food and LF will still make it to work?
Yeah 2.45 is a bad time for me- but Jez- I think your suggestion could work- if that's ok with everyone?

There are a few coffee places (Starbucks just on the corner) and bars we could meet up at first, then go for food?

I'd have to leave around about 4-4.15 to get to work (depending on bus times and if there are still bad disruptions on Scotty Rd)

But if others are ok with that, then I'm game, for sure!

Tuesdays are out for me too I'm afraid- weigh in at 5- better not stuff my face beforehand LOL